With the recent announcement of cats-effect, a relevant question from the past resurfaces: why does IO
, which is otherwise quite Task
-like, not define both
or race
? To be clear, the type signatures of these functions would be as follows:
object IO {
def both[A, B](ioa: IO[A], iob: IO[B])(implicit EC: ExecutionContext): IO[(A, B)] = ???
def race[A, B](ioa: IO[A], iob: IO[B])(implicit EC: ExecutionContext): IO[Either[A, B]] = ???
These functions are basically duals, and they both represent the notion of taking a pair of IO
actions and running them in parallel. Without them, IO
doesn't really have even the most basic of concurrency primitives, and essentially represents only the notion of an effect. Outside of API surface area and subjective design constraints, the question is simply: why doesn't it have these functions?
The answer is this: they are unsafe. And what's more, they are fundamentally unsafe. You cannot define concurrency machinery solely in terms of IO
without sacrificing either safety or practicality. You need something more powerful, such as fs2.Stream
The problem comes back to the fact that all practical concurrency use is going to involve two things: resource acquisition, and errors. Errors are just a fact of life any time you're fiddling around with side-effects. At a basic level, imagine you're trying to acquire a resource (like a network socket) and that resource simply isn't available. You will get an effectful error sequenced in IO
. That makes sense, and IO
handles this case correctly, but you start to see issues when you combine this scenario with the resource acquisition itself.
Any effectful code is going to deal with resources at some level. Again, looping back to the network socket question, you need to close the socket once you're done with it! Sockets, like many things, represent a resource with a linear lifecycle: you acquire it, you use it, and then you release it, and you don't use it after you release it. If you fail to release the resource exactly once, for any reason, then the resource has leaked, meaning that it won't be released until the program exits. This is a terrible, terrible situation to be in, and it basically universally represents a bug.
The problem is that IO
not only doesn't help you avoid this situation, it makes it actively impossible to avoid this situation if you are doing concurrency! A minimal example:
IO.race(IO.pure("annoyingly fast computation"), IO(openSocket()))
The "annoyingly fast computation"
action is almost guaranteed to complete before openSocket()
, meaning that it will "win" the race and its result will be produced. As the types indicate, the result of openSocket()
will just… disappear, meaning that you now have a resource leak that you cannot do anything about.
This seems like an obvious problem, so maybe race
is bad but both
is safe, right? Well, the duality of Pair
and Either
indicates the flaw in this logic. If we can break race
with pure
, then we should be able to break both
using a dual of pure
. And indeed, this is the case:
IO.both(IO.fail(new Exception), IO(openSocket()))
The results of this IO
must be IO.fail
. There is no other way to safely implement both
. But the problem then is this: what happens to the results of openSocket()
? Even if you don't implement short-circuit semantics for both
– which you don't have to! – you still lose the result of that effect. So once again we have a resource leak, and there is no way to prevent it.
Ultimately, you simply cannot get around this issue. On a fundamental level, IO
represents either zero or one results: you either have an error (zero), or you have a value (the effect completed). This is represented very clearly in the types, which encode Either[Throwable, A]
. However, to properly handle the notion of preemption (which is to say, concurrent errors), your algebra must be capable of representing zero, one, or two: an error, a value, or both. IO
's algebra simply isn't rich enough to represent that state, and so any time you have both, you have unsafety and resource leaks.
This is why streaming models are fundamental to functional concurrency, even when your application doesn't otherwise have any notion of a data pipeline or stream-like thing. Streams by definition represent cardinalities beyond 1, and thus they are able to naturally encode safe finalizers with semantics that make sense and are guaranteed even in the event of errors and preemption.
And so while you could encode concurrency primitives on top of just IO
, you shouldn't.
Have you looked at Concurrent ML or Transactional Events (https://www.cs.rit.edu/~mtf/research/tx-events/ICFP06/icfp06.pdf)? Might provide some ideas in terms of giving these operations suitable semantics. See also: https://github.com/polytypic/JoinCML