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Created August 15, 2020 21:27
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capture function inputs and arguments for REPL debugging
(ns capture
"This is useful if you are debugging a dependency, for example")
(defmacro capture [fname atm]
(var ~fname)
(fn [f#]
(fn [& args#]
(let [result# (apply f# args#)]
(swap! ~atm conj {:args args#
:result result#})
(defn add [a b] (+ a b))
(defn mult [n m] (reduce add 0 (repeat n m)))
(add 1 2)
;; => 3
(mult 8 4)
;; => 32
(def add-in+out (atom []))
(capture add add-in+out)
(mult 5 3)
;; => 15
;; => [{:args (0 3), :result 3} {:args (3 3), :result 6} {:args (6 3), :result 9} {:args (9 3), :result 12} {:args (12 3), :result 15}]
;; beware of direct linking
;; For example, trying to spy on clojure.string/split doesn't work:
(def split-inputs+outputs (atom []))
(capture clojure.string/split split-inputs+outputs)
(clojure.string/split-lines "foo\nbar")
;; => [{:args ["foo\nbar" #"\r?\n"] :result ["foo" "bar"]}]
;; => [] ;; :sad-panda
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