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Created April 29, 2013 16:30
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Simple Redis-backed ORM
#!/usr/bin/env python
db - Save and load data models in Redis.
# TODO: Key object to manage separating class name from key name.
# FUTURE: Automatic and Manual indexes.
# FUTURE: Store Models in mongo, keys in redis
# Standard
import cPickle
import datetime
import hashlib
import itertools
import json
import os
import random
import time
# 3rd party
import redis
from dateutil import parser
# The global connection will be loaded from a configuration file or set manually
# by the user
CONN = None
SETTINGS_FILE = '~/.redisdb'
def configure(settings_file_path):
global CONN
with open(os.path.expanduser(settings_file_path)) as settings_file:
settings = json.load(settings_file)
# Note that this will NOT fail even if there is no server at this
# host/port until a command is sent using the bogus connection.
CONN = redis.StrictRedis(
host = settings['host'],
port = settings['port'],
db = settings['db'],
password = settings.get('password', None),
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError('Invalid settings')
except IOError:
# Try to load default settings. If this fails for any reason, connection will
# still be None.
if os.path.exists('.redisdb'):
class InvalidKeyError(Exception): pass
class Key(object):
""" Create cryptographic hash for a Model.
Used to create a unique filename for the Model.
# Used to separate key components
SEP = ':'
ALL = '__all_set__'
def __init__(self, kind, *args):
# Good
Key(Job, 'test')
Key(Job, j.key())
# Bad
Key(Job, j.key(), 'test') # If Key is used, must be only argument.
Key('test') # Missing Kind
if not isinstance(kind, (str, unicode)):
if not issubclass(kind, Model):
raise InvalidKeyError('kind must be Model class or string')
except TypeError:
raise InvalidKeyError('kind must be Model class or string')
if len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[0], Key):
raise InvalidKeyError('If Key is used as arg, must be only arg')
# Generate a random key if no args.
if len(args) == 0:
args = (hashlib.md5(str(random.random())).hexdigest(), )
# Support creating a Key given a Key
elif isinstance(args[0], Key):
args = (args[0].name(), )
if (isinstance(kind, (str, unicode))):
self.__kind = kind.lower()
self.__kind = kind.__name__.lower()
self.__name = self.join(*map(str, args))
def name(self):
return self.__name
def kind(self):
return self.__kind
def key(self):
return self.join(self.kind(),
def from_raw(cls, value):
kind, _, name = value.partition(Key.SEP)
return Key(kind, name)
def join(cls, *args):
return Key.SEP.join(map(str, args))
def AssociationSet(cls, one_obj, many_class):
# Model a one-to-many relationship by defining a set to hold the many
# objects given the one.
# Convert Model instance to it's class
if isinstance(many_class, Model):
many_class = many_class.__class__
assert isinstance(one_obj, Model)
set_key = Key.join(
return set_key
def ModelSet(cls_or_obj):
""" Given a Model objects, return a key naming a set used to store keys of all instances of
this model. """
# Get the action Model class if given an object
if isinstance(cls_or_obj, Model):
cls = cls_or_obj.__class__
cls = cls_or_obj
assert issubclass(cls, Model), "obj must be a Model class"
assert cls is not Model, "Model base class cannot be keyed"
cls_name = cls.__name__.lower()
return Key.join(cls_name, Key.ALL)
class Property(object):
""" Handle conversion of raw values to Properties """
def __init__(self, default=None, choices=None, required=False):
self.default = default
self.choices = choices
self.required = required = None
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
# Allow access to Property when __get__ called on class.
if instance is None:
return self
# __get__ called on object; use Property descriptor
return self._get_value(instance, owner)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
validated = self._validate(value)
if validated is not None:
value = validated
if self.choices is not None:
if value not in self.choices:
raise TypeError('%s not an allowed choice' % value)
self._set_value(instance, value)
def __delete__(self, instance):
del instance._values[]
except AttributeError:
def _validate(self, value):
return None
def _set_value(self, instance, value):
instance._values[] = value
def _get_value(self, instance, owner=None):
return instance._values.get(, self.default)
def _to_db_value(self, instance):
""" Return serialized value. Useful for stuff like encoding a dict as a
string. """
return self._get_value(instance)
def _from_db_value(self, instance, value):
""" Create internal value from serialized value """
self._set_value(instance, value)
def _fix_up(self, cls, name):
self.cls = cls = name
class KeyProperty(Property):
def _to_db_value(self, instance):
""" We store only the key of the referenced property """
obj = self._get_value(instance)
return obj.key().key()
def _from_db_value(self, instance, value):
""" Load referenced object via key """
key = Key.from_raw(value)
obj = self.model.load(key)
self._set_value(instance, obj)
class ReferenceProperty(KeyProperty):
def __init__(self, model, collection_name, *args, **kwargs):
self.model = model
self.collection_name = collection_name
super(ReferenceProperty, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _validate(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, self.model):
raise TypeError('Reference property must be Model instance')
def _fix_up(self, cls, name):
super(ReferenceProperty, self)._fix_up(cls, name)
# Assign collection_name property to referenced Model
existing_attr = getattr(self.model, self.collection_name, None)
if existing_attr is None:
setattr(self.model, self.collection_name,
raise ValueError('attribute %s already exists' % self.collection_name)
class _ReverseReferenceProperty(Property):
""" A collection of associated models, used to model entity-relationships.
class Class:
name = db.StringProperty()
class Student(Property):
# Magically assign Class._ReverseReferenceProperty here
class = ReferenceProperty(Class, 'students')
name = db.StringProperty()
c = Class() = 'SICP'
s = Student()
s.class = c = 'Sue'
s.class # = <Class c>
c.students # = [<Student s>]
def __init__(self, reference_model):
self.reference_model = reference_model
super(_ReverseReferenceProperty, self).__init__(self)
def __get__(self, model_instance, model_class):
""" Return all associated objects of type self.reference_model """
set_key = Key.AssociationSet(model_instance, self.reference_model)
for raw_key in CONN.smembers(set_key):
model = self.reference_model.load(Key.from_raw(raw_key))
if model is not None:
yield model
def __set__(self):
raise ValueError('Cannot set reverse reference property.')
def set_key(model_instance, prop):
return Key.AssociationSet(model_instance, prop.reference_model)
class DateTimeProperty(Property):
def __init__(self, auto_add_now=False, *args, **kwargs):
default = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if auto_add_now else None
super(DateTimeProperty, self).__init__(default=default, *args, **kwargs)
def _to_db_value(self, instance):
date = self._get_value(instance)
if date is not None:
seconds = (date - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()
return str(float(seconds))
return None
def _from_db_value(self, instance, value):
seconds = float(value)
date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(seconds)
except ValueError:
date = parser.parse(value)
self._set_value(instance, date)
def _validate(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
raise TypeError('Bad Date Value: %s ' % value)
class PickleProperty(Property):
def _to_db_value(self, instance):
""" Serialize arbitrary Python value to string via Pickle """
data = self._get_value(instance)
return cPickle.dumps(data)
def _from_db_value(self, instance, value):
""" Deserialize value from pickled string representation """
data = cPickle.loads(value)
self._set_value(instance, data)
class JSONProperty(Property):
def _to_db_value(self, instance):
""" Encode dict as json string. """
data = self._get_value(instance)
return json.dumps(data)
def _from_db_value(self, instance, value):
""" Decode dict from json string. """
data = json.loads(value)
self._set_value(instance, data)
class StringProperty(Property):
def _validate(self, v):
except UnicodeError:
raise TypeError('UTF-8 strings only')
return str(v)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('Invalid string')
class PasswordProperty(StringProperty):
class EmailProperty(StringProperty):
def _validate(self, v):
if not '@' in v:
raise TypeError('Invalid email address')
class FloatProperty(Property):
def _from_db_value(self, instance, value):
""" Parse float value from string """
self._set_value(instance, float(value))
def _validate(self, value):
return float(value)
raise TypeError('Invalid float')
class IntegerProperty(Property):
def _from_db_value(self, instance, value):
""" Parse int value from string """
self._set_value(instance, int(value))
def _validate(self, value):
return int(value)
raise TypeError('Invalid int')
class BooleanProperty(Property):
def __init__(self, choices=None, *args, **kwargs):
if choices is not None:
raise ValueError('BooleanProperty does not support `choices` '
self.choices = (True, False)
super(BooleanProperty, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _to_db_value(self, instance):
""" Convert boolean to 1 or 0 """
data = self._get_value(instance)
return 1 if data else 0
def _from_db_value(self, instance, value):
""" Load boolean from 1 or 0 """
self._set_value(instance, bool(value))
class MetaModel(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict):
""" Create a Model class """
super(MetaModel, cls).__init__(name, bases, classdict)
class Model(object):
__metaclass__ = MetaModel
class MissingKeyError: pass
class MissingRequiredValueError: pass
def __init__(self, key=None):
key = () if key is None else key
if not isinstance(key, (str, unicode, tuple)):
raise InvalidKeyError
if isinstance(key, (str, unicode)):
key = (key, )
self.__key = Key(self.__class__, *key)
self._values = {}
def key(self):
return self.__key
def _fix_up_properties(cls):
# Tell all Property objects their assigned name.
for name in set(dir(cls)):
attr = getattr(cls, name, None)
if isinstance(attr, Property):
attr._fix_up(cls, name)
def all(cls):
""" Generate all Models of a given kind. """
set_key = Key.ModelSet(cls)
for raw_key in CONN.smembers(set_key):
key = Key.from_raw(raw_key)
yield cls.load(key)
def load(cls, *args):
""" Load a Model by key_name, key object, or argument list used to
construct a key """
key = Key(cls, *args)
data = CONN.hgetall(key.key())
if not data: # Empty dict when key is missing
return None
# Create bare model instance.
instance = cls(key=args)
# Assign property values from DB.
for name, prop in instance._properties().iteritems():
value = data.get(name)
if value is not None:
prop._from_db_value(instance, value)
prop._set_value(instance, prop.default)
return instance
def save(self):
# Gather data from properties.
data = {}
for name, prop in self._properties().iteritems():
data[name] = prop._to_db_value(self)
if data[name] is None:
if prop.required is True:
raise self.MissingRequiredValueError()
# Commit data in transaction.
with CONN.pipeline() as pipe:
_k = self.key().key()
# Attempt to save Model. If save is successful, also save Model's key in
# a set holding every key of this Model's class.
result = pipe.hmset(_k, data)
if not result: # XXX: Why might the save fail?
return None
set_key = Key.ModelSet(self)
pipe.sadd(set_key, _k)
# Remove hash keys that have a value of None!
# When loading this object from the database, the value of these
# missing properies will be the property default.
none_values = [n for n in data if data[n] is None]
if none_values:
pipe.hdel(_k, *none_values)
# If there are any reference properties, they are saved as an
# associative set.
for name, prop in self._properties().iteritems():
if isinstance(prop, ReferenceProperty):
set_key = Key.AssociationSet(prop._get_value(self), self)
pipe.sadd(set_key, _k)
def delete(self):
""" Delete this model. Return true value if model was actually deleted,
else false. """
# Remove model
# Remove model from ModelSet
CONN.srem(Key.ModelSet(self), self.key().key())
# Remove set(s) of associated models
for name, prop in self._properties().iteritems():
if isinstance(prop, _ReverseReferenceProperty):
set_key = _ReverseReferenceProperty.set_key(self,
def _properties(self):
cls = self.__class__
return {attr:getattr(cls, attr)
for attr in dir(cls)
if isinstance(getattr(cls, attr), Property)}
def test_key():
""" Test key creation and access... """
global CONN
CONN = redis.StrictRedis(
host = 'localhost',
port = 7777,
db = 15,
password = None
import pytest
class Radiohead(Model):
name = StringProperty()
key = Key(Radiohead, 'Thom')
assert key.key() == 'radiohead:Thom'
assert == 'Thom'
assert key.kind() == 'radiohead'
r = Radiohead(key='Colin')
assert r.key().name() == 'Colin'
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
k = Key('Thom')
k = Key(Radiohead, key, 'Thom')
c = Radiohead(key=('Thom',)) = 'Thom'
thom = Radiohead.load('Thom')
thom.delete() # There's... such a chill...
def test_ref():
""" Test reference properties / association sets """
class Course(Model):
name = StringProperty()
schedule = DateTimeProperty()
class Student(Model):
name = StringProperty()
course = ReferenceProperty(Course, 'students')
s = Student() = 'Sue'
t = Student() = 'Tony'
c = Course() = 'S.I.C.P.'
c.schedule =
s.course = c
t.course = c
assert Key.AssociationSet(c, Student) == 'assoc:course:{}:student'.format(c.key().name())
assert len(list(c.students)) == 2
d = Course.load(c.key())
assert d is not None
# Delete everything.
for o in Student.all():
for o in Course.all():
def test_props():
class Bag(Model):
_int = IntegerProperty()
_bool = BooleanProperty()
_str = StringProperty()
_float = FloatProperty()
_date = DateTimeProperty(auto_add_now=True)
_json = JSONProperty()
_none = FloatProperty()
_pickle = PickleProperty()
b = Bag()
b._int = 42
b._bool = True
b._str = 'Unladen swallow'
b._float = 0.1
b._json = [1, 2]
b._none = 1
del b._none
class Foo:
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
b._pickle = Model()
c = Bag.load(b.key())
assert c._int == 42
assert c._str == 'Unladen swallow'
assert c._float == 0.1
assert c._bool is True
assert c._json == [1, 2]
assert type(c._pickle) is Model
assert c._none is None
k = c.key()
b = Bag.load(k)
# c.delete()
# b.delete()
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