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Created April 11, 2023 01:54
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advent of code 2022 first task in brainfuck
some drafts of making that.
# readInt({A=0}, B=0, C=0)) = A {
>,---------- # B = read() - 10
[ # while (B != 0) {
-------------------------------------- # B -= 38
<[->>++++++++++<<]>[->+<]>[-<<+>>]< # A = A * 10 + B
,---------- # B = read() - 10
]< # }
# }
# readIntSum({A=0} B=0) = A
> # A = 0
>,----------[--------------------------------------<[->>++++++++++<<]>[->+<]>[-<<+>>]<,----------]< # B = readInt()
[ # while (B != 0) {
[-<+>] # A = A B
>,----------[--------------------------------------<[->>++++++++++<<]>[->+<]>[-<<+>>]<,----------]< # B = readInt()
]< # }
# read and sum integers
# check x less y
# if x less y ? return y : x
# read and sum integers
{x} y t0 tx1 ty1 tx2 ty2 z S
# (x y) => (x y x y) => (x y x y z)
# z = x < y
# if z ? (y) : (x)
>>[-]+>[-]>[-]<<[- // at t0=0
<< // at x
-<->>+>+ // x--, y--, t0++, z++
> // goto t1, break
// y if y == 0, otherwise at t1
if({A} temp0=0 temp1=0)
# CODE IF TRUE (AT temp1)
# CODE IF FALSE (AT temp0)
more({x} y=? z=? temp0=0 temp1=0) = z
# max(a, b) = (a + b + |a - b|) / 2
# max({A} B} = A
sub({x} y) = a
divide2({x}) = x
# max(A, B) = A
do while
B = readIntSum()
if (B != 0) {
const fs = require('fs')
const Brainfuck = require('brainfuck-node');
const brainfuck = new Brainfuck({ maxSteps: -1, base: Infinity });
const start =
console.log("Calculated in " + ( - start) + "ms"); // 282284ms = 4.7 minutes 🤯
// оно не работает, мне пришлось делать форк
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