- bled112 dongle on your machine
- Create a Python virtual environment (Python 2.7 or 3.6)
- Install:
pip install iotile-core iotile-test iotile-transport-bled112 arch-gateway --extra-index-url https://pypi.fury.io/sKv8PCZngFJ-g_oEqjfc/iotile/
Configure the device to use your network:
- For dynamic, wifi:
iotile hw --port=bled112 connect 2877 get 10 list_interfaces setup config_wifi 1 WIFI_SSID -p PASSWORD
- For static, wifi:
iotile hw --port=bled112 connect 2877 get 10 list_interfaces setup config_wifi 1 WIFI_SSID -p PASSWORD --static_ip IP --netmask NETMASK --gateway GATEWAY --dns DNS
- To validate that you are connected, or at least have an IP assigned, you can run
iotile hw --port=bled112 connect 2877 get 10 list_interfaces interface_info 1
- For static, ethernet:
iotile hw --port=bled112 connect 2877 get 10 list_interfaces setup config_ethernet 0 --static_ip IP --netmask NETMASK --gateway GATEWAY --dns DNS
- To see your ethernet config you can run
iotile hw --port=bled112 connect 2877 get 10 list_interfaces interface_info 0
- To configure the MQTT service to forward broadcast data :
iotile hw --port=bled112 connect 2877 get 11 set_broker BROKER -p PORT
- To configure MQTT for password authentication:
iotile hw --port=bled112 connect 2877 get 11 set_security_mode login --username USER --password PASSWORD
- To reset the configuration to use plain:
iotile hw --port=bled112 connect 2877 get 11 set_security_mode plain
- To set the MQTT publish deduplication mode:
iotile hw --port=bled112 conect 2877 get 11 set_dedupe_strategy [none/value_only/time_and_value]
- To see if the MQTT client claims it connected with the broker successfully:
iotile hw --port=bled112 conect 2877 get 11 check_mqtt_connected