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Daniel Florescu dko1905

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dko1905 /
Last active October 19, 2022 17:44
Void Linux on ZFS/LUKS

Void Linux on ZFS/LUKS

This guide may not work!


  • EFI compatible computer
  • Void Linux live media with ZFS loaded, for example hrmpf


Create three partitions:

dko1905 /
Last active May 17, 2021 14:20
Fast Pi
dko1905 /
Created April 29, 2021 17:09
Configuring a FreeBSD 13.0 server

Configuring a FreeBSD 13.0 server

Temporary storage on

Configure internet

Setup static IP, hostname and DNS:

ifconfig_re1="inet 192.168.1.x netmask"
dko1905 /
Last active April 30, 2024 06:15
Install Void Linux with LUKS/LVM/EFISTUB

Install Void Linux with LUKS/LVM/EFISTUB

This guide is not very thorough because if it was it would be way to long. I am using the musl version of Void Linux for this install, but it's also possible with glibc, but some parts need to changed.


I am not responsible for any actions you take!


This document is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

dko1905 /
Last active March 29, 2021 09:27
Why autotools is bad!

Autotools compile/configure time

Here I test the speed of autotools, the configure time and the compile time. The tests are run on Freebsd 12 on an Odroid H2+, using /usr/ports. I run make fetch-recursive and make config-recursive before timing the results. The time is messured using time.


Program size configure (make configure) compile (make)
bsftpd medium 21.61s user 5.23s system 102% cpu 26.272 total 2.72s user 0.51s system 254% cpu 1.268 total
pftpd small 2.07s user 2.28s system 97% cpu 4.442 total 0.77s user 0.31s system 96% cpu 1.115 total
dko1905 /
Last active March 3, 2025 22:05
A guide to install void linux with encrypted root and unencrypted root, with lvm2. (AES-512, lvm)

Encrypted Void Linux setup w/o encrypted boot

This is a guide for installing Void Linux on an EFI system with non encrypted boot and encrypted root. The guide is based on practical paranoid article and official Void Linux article.

Before you start

I wrote this guide to help myself installing Void Linux w/o encrypted boot. I haven't checked it for grammar errors, so there might be some. I hope it will help you, and good luck. And I know that I use way to many pictures/terminal copy paste.


I am not responsible for any actions you take! This guide was written 2/7/2020, so the info may be outdated. Please remember to use your own computer's partition names.

Required items