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Created December 5, 2011 18:26
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Test Feedzirra w/VCR using an HTTP proxy
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -Ku
# encoding: utf-8
# = Usage
# $ rspec test.rb
require 'io/wait'
require 'webrick'
require 'webrick/httpproxy'
require 'rubygems'
require 'active_support/deprecation' # for feedzirra
require 'feedzirra'
require 'rspec'
require 'vcr'
module WEBrick
class VCRProxyServer < HTTPProxyServer
def service(*args)
VCR.use_cassette('proxied') { super(*args) }
VCR.config do |config|
config.stub_with :fakeweb
config.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes'
config.default_cassette_options = { :record => :new_episodes }
describe 'A test with vcr and a transparent proxy' do
IP = ''
PORT = 9000
before :all do
reader, writer = IO.pipe
@pid = fork do
$stderr = writer
server = => IP, :Port => PORT)
trap('INT') { server.shutdown }
raise 'VCR Proxy did not start in 10 seconds' unless reader.wait(10)
after :all do
Process.kill('INT', @pid)
it 'proxies to an RSS feed' do
feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(
:proxy_url => IP,
:proxy_port => PORT
feed.should be_instance_of(Feedzirra::Parser::RSS)
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dkubb commented Dec 5, 2011

@myronmarston: Oh, this was a code spike. The real tests this was written for include over a hundred tests that currently stub out Feedzirra. I was hoping to replace all that code with "real" calls to the backend services and use vcr to record/playback the requests.

I also did use the VCR rack middleware originally. In the git commit history I have a mostly fully functional HTTP proxy built on top of Net::HTTP and the middleware, but once I found out that WEBrick included it's own Net::HTTP based proxy I figured this was a nice way to cut out 50-60 loc. WEBRick's also included support for edge cases, as well as CONNECT support. Oddly enough though it does not include support for proxying PUT/DELETE, although those would be pretty easy to add if needed.

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phoet commented Jan 9, 2012

thx, very helpful!

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