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Created December 12, 2018 13:40
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Print Powers of 2 to 2^64
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use bignum;
printf "%2s%21s\n", $_, $a;
# (perl)$ perl -Mbignum -E '$a=1;for(0..64){say" "x($_<10).$_." "x(21-length($a)).$a;$a<<=1}'
# (perl)$ perl -Mbignum -E '$a=1;for(0..64){printf"%2s%21s\n",$_,$a;$a<<=1}'
# (bash)$ p=0 v=1;until [ $p -gt 64 ];do printf '%2s%21s\n' $((p++)) $v;((v<<=1));done
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