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Dale Bewley dlbewley

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dlbewley / View OVS Bridge Mappings
Last active May 20, 2024 18:15
List the OVS bridge mappings associating 'localnet' networks to bridges on OpenShift Virtualization
# connect to OVN Northbound DB
# find local chassis id
sh-5.1# ovn-sbctl find chassis other_config:is-remote="false"
_uuid : a0aad588-f850-4601-b4dc-63199440ab58
encaps : [fcbeb3fc-d810-49db-ae6c-f043e3441d25]
external_ids : {}
hostname : hub-tq2sk-cnv-xcxw2
name : "f57f0c4e-5d93-4639-a016-7cea61281c04"
dlbewley /
Last active April 2, 2024 23:54
OpenShift OVN Northbound DB CLI Access
# Connect to the OVN northbound database pod.
# Optionally specify on which node.
if [[ -n "$node" ]]; then
nbdbpod=$(oc get pod \
-l app=ovnkube-node \
-n openshift-ovn-kubernetes \
dlbewley /
Last active September 29, 2023 23:17
Extract OpenShift CA Certificates from Install Generated Kubeconfig
| yq e '.clusters[0].cluster."certificate-authority-data"' \
| base64 -d > kubeconfig-ca-data.pem
split -p "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" kubeconfig-ca-data.pem cert-
for c in cert-??; do
subject=`openssl x509 -in $c -noout -subject | sed 's/^.*CN[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\(.*\)/\1/'`
echo $subject
dlbewley /
Created November 12, 2022 00:05
decompose policies into manifests for use with PolicyGenerator Kustomize plugin
# split a file having multiple policies into multiple files
# each file is named policy-<policy_name> and contains 1 policy
yq e '.|split_doc' -s '.kind + "-" + | downcase' multi-policy.yaml
# create manifests dir for each policy
# place object definitions from each policy into corresponding manifest dir
for p in policy-*; do
policy_name=$(yq '' $p);
mkdir -p "manifests-$policy_name"
yq '.spec.policy-templates[].objectDefinition[].object-templates[].objectDefinition | split_doc' \
dlbewley /
Created November 2, 2022 22:34
Podman login to all registries in pull secret
# if you don't want to just use --authfile or set REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE for whatever reason
# you may login to each registry in your pull secret thusly
# spoiler alert, here's how to extract usernames and passwords from your pull secret
for R in $(jq -r '.auths|keys[]' $PULL_SECRET_PATH ); do
echo "Logging into $R"
U=$(jq -r ".auths.\"$R\".auth" $PULL_SECRET_PATH | base64 -d | awk -F: '{print $1}')
P=$(jq -r ".auths.\"$R\".auth" $PULL_SECRET_PATH | base64 -d | awk -F: '{print $2}')
dlbewley / ocroxctl
Last active September 21, 2022 01:26
example "one liner" to run roxctl in openshift
# Central CA cert:
# oc extract secrets/service-ca -n stackrox --keys=ca.pem --to=-
# read values from 1Password YMMV
dlbewley / oc-curl
Created September 21, 2022 01:20
experimental "one liner" to export stackrox alerts (violations)
# read values from 1Password, YMMV
ROX_CENTRAL_ENDPOINT="$(op read op://$VAULT/$CLUSTER/acs/endpoint)" # cluster
ROX_CENTRAL_ENDPOINT_PUB="$(op read op://$VAULT/$CLUSTER/acs/endpoint-pub)" # public
ROX_CA_CERT="$(op read op://$VAULT/$CLUSTER/acs/ca)"
ROX_API_TOKEN="$(op read op://$VAULT/$CLUSTER/acs/admin-token)"
dlbewley / pre-commit
Last active August 20, 2021 00:57
Git pre-commit hook to allow tracking of example secrets but deny changes.
# once you have tracked a file, .gitignore will not have an effect on it, even if you
# ignore the enclosing directory.
# be sure to commit example secrets before adding this to .git/hooks/pre-commit
# Redirect output to stderr.
exec 1>&2
dlbewley / asciinema-clear-screen.json
Created August 8, 2021 23:25
How to add a clear screen command to an asciinema recording
[0.000001, "o", "\u001b[H\u001b[J"]
dlbewley /
Last active August 4, 2021 19:04
How to recover the install-config.yaml used to deploy an OpenShift cluster
oc extract cm/cluster-config-v1 -n kube-system --to=-