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Created February 23, 2012 03:13
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float code, commented
class Float # because we are re-opening class float, anywhere we refer to self in
def pretty_s # this method will be the floating point number we call "pretty_s" on.
num = "%.12g" % self # num is a string representation of self with 12 decimal places
num.sub!(/\.(.*?)0+$/,".$1") # remove any trailing zeroes
# might be like 2. at this point # if we had all zeroes, there would be nothing after the decimal point
num = num[0..-2] if num[-1] == '.' # thus, let's remove the decimal point in that case
num # and return our string
p 1.1-0.9 # >> 0.20000000000000007 # floating point yuckiness means that we get this number instead of 0.2
p (1.1-0.9).pretty_s # >> "0.2" # our pretty_s method solves that problem
p 2.0.pretty_s # >> "2" # here is what happens when there are only zeroes after the decimal
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