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Created January 18, 2019 04:36
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Promise Implementation
class PromiseSimple {
constructor(executionFunction) {
this.promiseChain = [];
this.handleError = () => {};
this.onResolve = this.onResolve.bind(this);
this.onReject = this.onReject.bind(this);
executionFunction(this.onResolve, this.onReject);
then(onResolve) {
return this;
catch(handleError) {
this.handleError = handleError;
return this;
onResolve(value) {
let storedValue = value;
try {
this.promiseChain.forEach((nextFunction) => {
storedValue = nextFunction(storedValue);
} catch (error) {
this.promiseChain = [];
onReject(error) {
// ==============================================================================
fakeApiBackend = () => {
const user = {
username: 'treyhuffine',
favoriteNumber: 42,
profile: ''
// Introduce a randomizer to simulate the
// the probability of encountering an error
if (Math.random() > .05) {
return {
data: user,
statusCode: 200,
} else {
const error = {
statusCode: 404,
message: 'Could not find user',
error: 'Not Found',
return error;
const makeApiCall = () => {
return new PromiseSimple((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const apiResponse = fakeApiBackend();
if (apiResponse.statusCode >= 400) {
} else {
}, 5000);
.then((user) => {
console.log('In the first .then()');
return user;
.then((user) => {
console.log(`User ${user.username}'s favorite number is ${user.favoriteNumber}`);
return user;
.then((user) => {
console.log('The previous .then() told you the favoriteNumber')
return user.profile;
.then((profile) => {
console.log(`The profile URL is ${profile}`);
.then(() => {
console.log('This is the last then()');
.catch((error) => {
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