// ==UserScript== |
// @version 0.8.1 |
// @name Zotero ShareLaTeX Cite-as-you-Write |
// @namespace https://github.com/dlukes |
// @author dlukes |
// @description Insert citations from Zotero into ShareLaTeX as you write. |
// @match *://sharelatex.korpus.cz/* |
// @run-at document-end |
// @grant unsafeWindow |
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest |
// ==/UserScript== |
/* Zotero ShareLaTeX Cite-as-you-Write |
* =================================== |
* |
* This userscript leverages the Better BibTeX Zotero extension in |
* order to make it possible to insert citations into ShareLaTeX |
* documents via the Zotero popup. |
* |
* Installation |
* ------------ |
* |
* You need a userscript manager for your web browser of choice, e.g. |
* GreaseMonkey or TamperMonkey are popular browser extensions that |
* serve this purpose. Once you've installed it, add this userscript |
* (refer to the documentation of your userscript manager for |
* information on how to do this). |
* |
* After you've added the script, you'll probably want to configure the |
* following things: |
* |
* - set @match above to match the URL of your ShareLaTex server |
* - go through the TODOs below and customize at will based on the |
* provided guidelines |
* |
* Usage |
* ----- |
* |
* The userscript provides two additional keyboard shortcuts when using |
* ShareLaTeX, which are by default: |
* |
* - Ctrl+. -- calls up the Zotero popup, allows you to put together a |
* citation, and inserts it into the document |
* - Ctrl+Shift+. -- inserts a Zotero collection exported as a |
* Bib(La)TeX bibliography database into the document. This is |
* intended as an easy way to update your ShareLaTeX .bib file after |
* you've made edits to the bibliography in Zotero. |
* |
* It determines the Zotero collection to generate your bibliography |
* from by searching your .bib file for a collection declaration in |
* the following format: |
* |
* % -*- zotero-sharelatex-cayw-collection: <library-number>/<collection-name>.<format> -*- |
* |
* E.g. the following will generate a biblatex bibliography for a |
* collection named NLP within your private Zotero library (0): |
* |
* % -*- zotero-sharelatex-cayw-collection: 0/NLP.biblatex -*- |
* |
* To figure out the identifier for a collection, right-click on the |
* collection in Zotero, select Download Better BibTeX export, and |
* inspect the generated URLs. |
* |
* If no collection declaration is provided, it will ask whether to |
* export your entire personal library, which can take a while if |
* there are many items and the export is not cached. |
* |
* Cf. https://retorque.re/zotero-better-bibtex/push-and-pull/ for |
* more information. |
*/ |
var COLLECTION_RE = /-\*-\s*zotero-sharelatex-cayw-collection:\s*(.*?)\s*-\*-/; |
var DROP_FIELDS = (function() { |
var conf = ["abstract", "file", "keywords", "eprint", "eprinttype"]; |
var ans = new Set(); |
for (var elem of conf) { |
ans.add(elem); |
} |
return ans; |
})(); |
var DROP_FIELDS_FOR_TYPE = (function() { |
var conf = [ |
["article", ["url", "urldate"]], |
["incollection", ["url", "urldate"]], |
["book", ["edition", "volume", "series"]] |
]; |
var ans = new Map(); |
for (var pair of conf) { |
var type = pair[0]; |
var fields = pair[1]; |
var field_set = new Set(); |
for (var field of fields) { |
field_set.add(field); |
} |
ans.set(type, field_set); |
} |
return ans; |
})(); |
var EMPTY_SET = new Set(); |
function cleanBib(string) { |
var lines = string.match(/[^\r\n]+/g); |
var clean = []; |
var groups, type, key, field; |
var skip = false; |
for (var line of lines) { |
if (line.match(/^%/)) { |
continue; |
} else if (groups = line.match(/^@(.*?)\{(.*),/)) { |
type = groups[1]; |
key = groups[2]; |
skip = false; |
} else if (groups = line.match(/^ (.*?) = \{/)) { |
var field = groups[1]; |
var drop_fields_for_type = DROP_FIELDS_FOR_TYPE.get(type) || EMPTY_SET; |
skip = DROP_FIELDS.has(field) || drop_fields_for_type.has(field); |
} else if (line.match(/^\}/)) { |
skip = false |
} |
if (!skip) { |
// make sure trailing commas are present |
line = line.replace(/(?!^)\}$/, "},"); |
clean.push(line) |
} else { |
console.debug("Removing field", field, "in entry type", type, "with key", key); |
} |
} |
return clean.join("\n"); |
} |
function zotError() { |
var msg = "Can't reach the bibliography database! Make sure that Zotero is " + |
"running and the Better BibTeX extension for Zotero is installed."; |
console.error(msg); |
alert(msg); |
} |
function zotWarnAndAsk() { |
var msg = "No collection declaration found in file. Specify one in the following " + |
"format:\n\n" + |
" % -*- zotero-sharelatex-cayw-collection: <library-number>/<collection-name>.<format> -*-\n\n" + |
"E.g. the following will generate a biblatex bibliography for a collection named " + |
"NLP within your private Zotero library (0):\n\n" + |
" % -*- zotero-sharelatex-cayw-collection: 0/NLP.biblatex -*-\n\n" + |
"To figure out the identifier for a collection, right-click on the collection " + |
"in Zotero, select Download Better BibTeX export, and inspect the generated " + |
"URLs.\n\n" + |
"As a default, I can also just try to insert a bibliography based on your " + |
"entire private library, but that may take a while, depending on its size. " + |
"Proceed?"; |
console.warn(msg); |
return confirm(msg); |
} |
function getAceEditor() { |
var ace = unsafeWindow.ace; |
return ace.edit(document.querySelector(".ace-editor-body")); |
} |
function zoteroFetchAndInsert(url, postProcessFunc) { |
GM.xmlHttpRequest({ |
method: "GET", |
url: url, |
headers: { |
"Zotero-Allowed-Request": true |
}, |
onload: function(resp) { |
var editor = getAceEditor(); |
var content = postProcessFunc(resp.responseText); |
// cursor position = an object of the form {column: x, row: y} |
var cursorPosition = editor.getCursorPosition(); |
editor.session.insert(cursorPosition, content); |
}, |
onerror: zotError |
}); |
} |
function zoteroInsertBibliography() { |
var editor = getAceEditor(); |
var doc = editor.session.toString(); |
var match = COLLECTION_RE.exec(doc); |
var collection; |
if (match) { |
collection = "collection?/" + match[1]; |
} else { |
if (!zotWarnAndAsk()) return; |
collection = "library?/0/library.biblatex"; |
} |
zoteroFetchAndInsert( |
"http://localhost:23119/better-bibtex/" + collection, |
function(responseText) { |
// TODO: you can manipulate the string before it's inserted -- |
// e.g. get rid of unnecessary fields |
return cleanBib(responseText); |
} |
); |
} |
function zoteroCite() { |
zoteroFetchAndInsert( |
// TODO: customize citation format by modifying the URL |
"http://localhost:23119/better-bibtex/cayw?format=latex", |
function(responseText) { |
// TODO: you can manipulate the string before it's inserted |
return responseText; |
} |
); |
} |
window.onkeyup = function(e) { |
// TODO: you can customize the keyboard shortcuts here |
if (e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && e.keyCode === 190) { |
zoteroInsertBibliography(); |
} else if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === 190) { |
zoteroCite(); |
} |
} |
Hi! I'd very much like to implement your script, but I'm having trouble getting it to work. I have Zotero/BBT installed and running on my Mac, and the script running on Overleaf through Tampermonkey (on google chrome). However, no CAYW pop-up shows up using the keyboard shortcuts. I'm not familiar with how to troubleshoot this, do you have any suggestions? Thank you!