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MediaUpload Library React Hook for Uploading Images
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
const getCropSettings = ( overrides = {} ) => {
// Set the settings for the media uploader and cropper.
let settings = {
id: '',
attachmentId: 0,
aspectRatio: '1:1',
suggestedWidth: '500',
suggestedHeight: '500',
nonce: '',
postId: 0,
title: __( 'Image', 'wp-plugin-info-card' ),
buttonLabel: __( 'Add Image', 'wp-plugin-info-card' ),
main: this,
settings = { ...settings, ...overrides };
return settings;
const getCropControl = ( overrides = {} ) => {
const settings = getCropSettings( overrides );
const cropControl = {
id: 'control-id',
params: {
flex_width: false, // set to true if the width of the cropped image can be different to the width defined here
flex_height: false, // set to true if the height of the cropped image can be different to the height defined here
width: settings.suggestedWidth, // set the desired width of the destination image here
height: settings.suggestedHeight, // set the desired height of the destination image here
return cropControl;
const useMediaUploader = ( props ) => {
* Retrieve crop options for an attachment.
* @param {Object} attachment Attachment image object.
* @param {Object} controller Media controller object.
* @param {Object} cropSettings Crop settings.
* @return {Object} Cropping options.
const cropOptions = ( attachment, controller, cropSettings ) => {
const settings = getCropSettings( cropSettings );
const control = controller.get( 'control' );
const realWidth = attachment.get( 'width' );
const realHeight = attachment.get( 'height' );
let xInit = parseInt( control.params.width, 10 );
let yInit = parseInt( control.params.height, 10 );
const ratio = xInit / yInit;
const ratioReal = realWidth / realHeight;
// Determine if user can skip crop.
let canSkipCrop = false;
// If ratios match, can skip crop.
if ( ratio === ratioReal ) {
canSkipCrop = true;
controller.set( 'canSkipCrop', canSkipCrop );
let xImg = xInit;
let yImg = yInit;
if ( realWidth / realHeight > ratio ) {
if ( yImg > realHeight ) {
yImg = realHeight;
yInit = yImg;
xInit = yInit * ratio;
} else {
if ( xImg > realWidth ) {
xImg = realWidth;
xInit = xImg;
yInit = xInit / ratio;
let x1 = ( realWidth - xInit ) / 2;
let y1 = ( realHeight - yInit ) / 2;
if ( x1 === 0 ) {
if ( ratio > 0 ) {
x1 = y1 * ratio;
} else {
x1 = y1 / ratio;
if ( y1 === 0 ) {
if ( ratio > 0 ) {
y1 = x1 * ratio;
} else {
y1 = x1 / ratio;
let cropWidthX2 = 0;
let cropHeightY2 = 0;
if ( xInit + x1 > realWidth ) {
cropWidthX2 = xInit - 1;
} else {
cropWidthX2 = xInit + x1;
if ( yInit + y1 > realHeight ) {
cropHeightY2 = yInit - 1;
} else {
cropHeightY2 = yInit + y1;
const imgSelectOptions = {
handles: true,
keys: true,
instance: true,
persistent: true,
imageWidth: realWidth,
imageHeight: realHeight,
x2: cropWidthX2,
y2: cropHeightY2,
aspectRatio: settings.aspectRatio,
return imgSelectOptions;
return {
openMediaUploader: ( cropSettings, callback ) => {
const settings = getCropSettings( cropSettings );
const cropControl = getCropControl( cropSettings );
const uploader = {
states: [
new {
title: cropSettings.title || settings.title,
library: { type: 'image' } ),
multiple: false,
date: false,
priority: 20,
suggestedWidth: settings.suggestedWidth,
suggestedHeight: settings.suggestedHeight,
} ),
new {
control: cropControl,
imgSelectOptions: ( attachment, controller ) => cropOptions( attachment, controller, cropSettings ),
} ),
} );
// Set the toolbar.
function( toolbar ) {
const options = {};
options.items = {}; = {
text: settings.buttonLabel,
style: 'primary',
requires: { selection: true },
event: 'select',
reset: false,
close: false,
state: false,
syncSelection: true,
this.createSelectToolbar( toolbar, options );
//For when the Add Profile Image is clicked
let originalAttachmentId = 0;
uploader.on( 'select', function() {
// Get avatar attributes.
const attachment = uploader.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON();
// Get original attachment ID.
originalAttachmentId =;
// Calculate ratio.
const ratio = attachment.width / attachment.height;
const desiredRatio = cropControl.params.width / cropControl.params.height;
if ( ratio === desiredRatio ) {
const selection = uploader.state().get( 'selection' ).single();
callback( selection.attributes );
} else {
uploader.setState( 'cropper' );
} );
//When the remove buttons is clicked
uploader.on( 'remove', function() {
} );
//For when the window is closed (update the thumbnail)
uploader.on( 'escape', function() {
} );
// When image is cropped.
uploader.on( 'cropped', function( croppedImage ) {
callback( croppedImage );
} );
// When image cropping is skipped.
uploader.on( 'skippedcrop', function( selection ) {
callback( selection.attributes );
} );
uploader.on( 'open', function() {
const attachment = settings.attachmentId );
const selection = uploader.state( 'library' ).get( 'selection' );
selection.add( attachment );
} );;
export default useMediaUploader;
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