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Created February 15, 2023 22:08
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dm/mac-dev-playbook config file
downloads: ~/.ansible-downloads/
configure_dock: true
configure_dotfiles: true
configure_fonts: true
configure_iterm: true
configure_osx: true
configure_ssh: true
configure_sudoers: true
configure_zsh: true
sudoers_custom_config: |
# Allow users in admin group to use sudo with no password.
dotfiles_repo_accept_hostkey: true
dotfiles_repo_local_destination: ~/.dotfiles
# Install files with symlink python script instead
dotfiles_files: []
- autoconf
- automake
- asciinema
- awscli
- azure-cli
- bat
- curl
- direnv
- exa
- fontforge
- gh
- git
- git-secrets
- glances
- gnupg
- glib
- go
- gpg
- helm
- htop
- httpie
- jq
- kubernetes-cli
- lazygit
- make
- mas
- mcrypt
- neovim
- nmap
- openssl
- pinentry-mac
- p7zip
- ranger
- ripgrep
- shellcheck
- sqlite
- tflint
- thefuck
- tmux
- tree
- vault
- vim
- vnstat
- watchman
- wget
- wrk
- yarn
- youtube-dl
- z
homebrew_use_brewfile: true
homebrew_brewfile_dir: '~/.dotfiles/homebrew/Brewfile'
- homebrew/core
- homebrew/cask
homebrew_cask_appdir: /Applications
- authy
- aws-vault
- cheatsheet
- discord
- docker
- dropbox
- firefox
- gitkraken
- google-chrome
- gpg-suite
- imageoptim
- iterm2
- obsidian
- pomotroid
- protonvpn
- rectangle
- shottr
- silentknight
- sourcetree
- spotify
- stats
- steam
- sublime-text
- unclack
- vlc
- vscodium
- whatsapp
- zoom
# See `geerlingguy.mas` role documentation for usage instructions.
- { name: "Bitwarden", id: 1352778147 }
- { name: "Fantastical - Calendar", id: 975937182 }
- { name: "MindNode", id: 1289197285 }
- { name: "Power Prompter - Teleprompter", id: 1110831097 }
- { name: "Sequel Ace", id: 1518036000 }
- { name: "Slack", id: 803453959 }
- { name: "Telegram", id: 747648890 }
- { name: "Textual 7", id: 1262957439 }
- { name: "Things 3", id: 904280696 }
- { name: "Trello", id: 1278508951 }
mas_email: ""
mas_password: ""
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