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Created December 19, 2019 17:39
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example of how to create a new user in Cloud SQL for SQL Server
"""Simple test of connecting to a Cloud SQL for SQL Server instance
and creating a new admin user account.
This script assumes that you've created a Cloud SQL for SQL Server
instance and have the Cloud SQL Proxy running locally and listening
on 127.0.01. For instructions on those setup steps, see
Note two places below you need to set YOUR-* to your chosen passwords.
import pyodbc
ADMIN_USER = "sqlserver"
# This is the password that you specified for the sqlserver admin account
# when you created your Cloud SQL for SQL Server instance.
# In the Cloud Console, I created a database named testdb for testing.
# You can do the same, or change this to a database that exists in your instance.
TEST_DB = "testdb"
# This is the name of the ODBC driver to use. May not be the same on your machine,
# see for more info.
DRIVER = "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server"
SERVER = "" # Cloud SQL Proxy running on local machine
def main():
# create a new user account
username = "NewUser"
with pyodbc.connect(CONNECTION_STRING, autocommit=True).cursor() as cursor:
f"CREATE LOGIN {username} WITH PASSWORD=N'{password}', DEFAULT_DATABASE=[master]"
cursor.execute(f"USE {TEST_DB}")
cursor.execute(f"CREATE USER [{username}] FOR LOGIN [{username}]")
cursor.execute(f"ALTER ROLE [db_ddladmin] ADD MEMBER [{username}]")
# connect as the new user and create a table
table = "NewTable"
with pyodbc.connect(CONNECTION_STRING, autocommit=True).cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table}")
cursor.execute(f"""CREATE TABLE {table} (column1 CHAR(1))""")
# print out the tables in the test database
print(f"Tables in {TEST_DB}:")
with pyodbc.connect(CONNECTION_STRING).cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute("USE testdb")
for dbname, schema, tablename, *_ in cursor.tables():
if dbname == TEST_DB and schema == "dbo":
if __name__ == "__main__":
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