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Last active November 30, 2016 23:00
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
# number of people to start with
num_start = 56000
# number of times to repeat experiment
num_trials = 1000
# some arrays to store individual trial results
rounds_counter = np.zeros(num_trials)
outcome_counter = np.zeros(num_trials)
def subtract_sets(a, b):
return a - b
def cast_set(a):
return set(a)
def eliminate_people(choices, num_left):
# remove people that have been picked
return len(subtract_sets(cast_set(xrange(num_left)), cast_set(choices)))
def pick_people(num_left):
# every one pick someone else at random simultaneously, don't pick yourself
return np.mod((np.arange(num_left) + np.random.randint(1, num_left, size=num_left)), num_left)
def run_trial(num_left):
round_counter = 0
# if more than one person left, keep playing
while num_left > 1:
# increment round counter for this trial
round_counter += 1
num_left = eliminate_people(pick_people(num_left), num_left)
return num_left, round_counter
for trial in xrange(num_trials):
# initialize trial
outcome, num_rounds = run_trial(num_start)
# save trial outcomue
outcome_counter[trial] = outcome
rounds_counter[trial] = num_rounds
print('Average outcome: {:.4f}'.format(np.mean(outcome_counter)))
print('Average number of rounds: {:.4f}'.format(np.mean(rounds_counter)))
# ##### Run
# $ time python -m cProfile -o lonely_king.pstats
# Average outcome: 0.4670
# Average number of rounds: 10.7860
# real 0m24.988s
# user 0m24.815s
# sys 0m0.127s
# ##### Profile
# import pstats
# p = pstats.Stats('lonely_king.pstats')
# p.strip_dirs().sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(10)
# Wed Nov 30 14:44:27 2016 lonely_king.pstats
# 109826 function calls (109705 primitive calls) in 24.940 seconds
# Ordered by: cumulative time
# List reduced from 554 to 10 due to restriction <10>
# ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
# 1 0.006 0.006 24.940 24.940<module>)
# 1000 0.026 0.000 24.760 0.025
# 10786 2.065 0.000 22.442 0.002
# 21572 11.402 0.001 11.402 0.001
# 10786 8.970 0.001 8.970 0.001
# 10786 1.208 0.000 2.292 0.000
# 10786 0.985 0.000 0.985 0.000 {method 'randint' of 'mtrand.RandomState' objects}
# 4 0.120 0.030 0.293 0.073<module>)
# 1 0.003 0.003 0.172 0.172<module>)
# 1 0.000 0.000 0.152 0.152<module>)
# ##### Generate svg of profile
# gprof2dot -f pstats lonely_king.pstats | dot -Tsvg -o lonely_king_profile.svg
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