I’ve had a few requests for this demo as It seems like a lot of people are having issues setting up the new version of AWX. Before v18, (v17) you could simply install AWX on a server with enough resources. Now, the preferred way to install AWX is via the AWX-operator. So you need a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster. For this demo, I’m using Minikube.
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(if you get any errors, check the bottom of this page for the fix)
I’m using minikube because it’s a single node cluster and it keeps the price down. I did try this on a t2.medium, but there just weren’t enough resources to get it working.
- Install and setup kubectl and docker.
- Installing and setting up Minikube in EC2 [t3a.xlarge – 4 x cpu / 16gb memory]
- ami-0194c3e07668a7e36
- You might be able to get away with less resources)
- Setup the AWX-operator (latest version – 0.10.0) and deploy.
- Get the AWX admin password.
- Forward the service port so we can access it from the internet and use minikube tunnel.
- Login to AWX and take a quick tour.
- All commands will be added into the description.
Make sure you have enough FREE Disk space. 10GB+ please
https://github.com/ansible/awx-operator https://github.com/ansible/awx-operator/tags
If you like the demo, hit subscribe for more videos like this and give it a like.
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/`curl -s https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/stable.txt`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
kubectl version --client
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install -y docker.io
There is an issue with the latest version (1.22) Please install 1.21 for now.
curl -Lo minikube https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-linux-amd64 && chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/```
curl -Lo minikube https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases/download/v1.21.0/minikube-linux-amd64 && chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
groups $USER
minikube start --addons=ingress --cpus=2 --install-addons=true --kubernetes-version=stable --memory=6g
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods -A
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/awx-operator/0.10.0/deploy/awx-operator.yaml
kubectl get pods
vi awx-demo.yml
apiVersion: awx.ansible.com/v1beta1
kind: AWX
name: awx-demo
service_type: nodeport
ingress_type: none
hostname: awx-demo.example.com
kubectl apply -f awx-demo.yml
kubectl get pods -l "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=awx-operator"
kubectl get svc -l "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=awx-operator"
kubectl get secrets
kubectl get secret awx-demo-admin-password -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode
kubectl expose deployment awx-demo --type=LoadBalancer --port=8080
On a new session, start the minikube tunnel:
minikube tunnel
kubectl port-forward svc/awx-demo-service --address 30886:80
Now visit https://your_ip:high_port
You may need to update your FW rules to be able to connect to the AWX login screen
Starting minikube tunnel - Exiting due to GUEST_STATUS: state: unknown state "minikube": docker container inspect minikube --format=: exit status 1 ANS:
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock ; sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
If you see the message: ImagePullBackOff or ErrImagePull when you run kubectl get pods, run the following command to see what the issue is:
kubectl describe pods <my-pod> # Output from "kubectl get pods" command for the pod with the issue.
I've seen a few issues where the server runs out of space so it should be easy to fix.
- If you have PENDING resources, try running a describe of the resource. If you see this at the bottom you are lacking in resources:
kubectl describe pods <my-pod>
# Output fromkubectl get pods
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedScheduling 14s (x19 over 23m) default-scheduler 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient cpu, 1 Insufficient memory.
This link has some more information: https://containersolutions.github.io/runbooks/posts/kubernetes/0-nodes-available-insufficient/
You're using EKS, I'm using minikube. They are not the same.
The port forwarding and minikube tunnel are only required for the minikube setup. You won't be able to just take my walkthrough for minikube and apply it to EKS. You need to run the steps for EKS. I'd need to go through the EKS setup to know the steps as I've never used it (I don't have any plans to do that).
Why do you need to use EKS? if you're learning, just build a single server (with enough resources) and use minikube? or follow my other K3s demo. Both will setup the awx-operator and give you a login.