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Daniel M. Drucker, Ph.D. dmd

View GitHub Profile
"adjustments": {},
"album_info": [
"creation_date": "2024-08-14T13:03:12.429844-04:00",
"end_date": "2024-08-24T10:59:55.039000-04:00",
"folder_list": [
People: 14764
Clothing: 8257
Outdoor: 6060
Plant: 4725
Child: 4310
Land: 4217
Furniture: 3955
Art: 2937
Sky: 2932
from machine import Pin, Timer
import network
import urequests
import time
TIMEOUT = 10000
morse_code = {
'.-': 'A', '-...': 'B', '-.-.': 'C', '-..': 'D', '.': 'E', '..-.': 'F',
'--.': 'G', '....': 'H', '..': 'I', '.---': 'J', '-.-': 'K', '.-..': 'L',
import sys
import os
import anthropic
from anthropic import Anthropic
from base64 import b64encode
from PIL import Image, ExifTags
import io
import glob
import sys
import os
import anthropic
from anthropic import Anthropic
from base64 import b64encode
from PIL import Image, ExifTags
import io
def fix_orientation(image):
# Check if a file is provided
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Please provide an MKV file as an argument."
exit 1
dmd@dromedary ~
$ j mov
( stuff before this... )
command="mkvpropedit \"$input_file\""
# Set all audio tracks to not default
echo "$audio_tracks" | jq -r '.id' | while read -r track_id; do
command+=" --edit track:a$track_id --set flag-default=0"
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import subprocess
from operator import itemgetter
# URLs for XNAT and Orthanc
xnat_base_url = ""
mefi/2020-01-11.log:[22:19:39] <krrrlson> oh fuck giraffe
mefi/2020-02-03.log:[22:50:25] <pyna> always kinda had krrrlson pegged as a teenage girl and knowing he breaks phones seals it :)
mefi/2020-02-13.log:[13:54:18] <krrrlson> gir words krrrlson likes is also bailiwick
mefi/2020-02-22.log:[21:25:56] <krrrlson> gir is mercury in retrograde
mefi/2020-03-02.log:[10:14:12] <krrrlson> gir coronavirus tips is <reply>Stop touching your face!
mefi/2020-03-04.log:[12:27:08] <krrrlson> gir band names is also |<reply>The Even Shitter
mefi/2020-03-05.log:[11:28:47] <krrrlson> gir markov legend has
mefi/2020-03-09.log:[21:25:44] <krrrlson> aw fuck i can't
mefi/2020-03-12.log:[14:09:04] <krrrlson> gir man periscope
mefi/2020-03-12.log:[14:09:46] <krrrlson> lotta ron paul rape jokes in gir