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Created July 27, 2015 18:37
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TCP Echo server in x86_64 assembly, using Linux system calls.
;; Simple TCP echo server in x86_64 assembly, using Linux syscalls
;; nasm -felf64 -o server.o server.asm
;; ld server.o -o server
;; ./server
global _start
;; Data definitions
struc sockaddr_in
.sin_family resw 1
.sin_port resw 1
.sin_addr resd 1
.sin_zero resb 8
section .bss
sock resw 2
client resw 2
echobuf resb 256
read_count resw 2
section .data
sock_err_msg db "Failed to initialise socket", 0x0a, 0
sock_err_msg_len equ $ - sock_err_msg
bind_err_msg db "Failed to bind socket to listening address", 0x0a, 0
bind_err_msg_len equ $ - bind_err_msg
lstn_err_msg db "Failed to listen on socket", 0x0a, 0
lstn_err_msg_len equ $ - lstn_err_msg
accept_err_msg db "Could not accept connection attempt", 0x0a, 0
accept_err_msg_len equ $ - accept_err_msg
accept_msg db "Client connected!", 0x0a, 0
accept_msg_len equ $ - accept_msg
;; sockaddr_in structure for the address the listening socket binds to
pop_sa istruc sockaddr_in
at sockaddr_in.sin_family, dw 2 ; AF_INET
at sockaddr_in.sin_port, dw 0xa1ed ; port 60833
at sockaddr_in.sin_addr, dd 0 ; localhost
at sockaddr_in.sin_zero, dd 0, 0
sockaddr_in_len equ $ - pop_sa
section .text
;; Main entry point for the server.
;; Initialise listening and client socket values to 0, used for cleanup handling
mov word [sock], 0
mov word [client], 0
;; Initialize socket
call _socket
;; Bind and Listen
call _listen
;; Main loop handles clients connecting (accept()) then echoes any input
;; back to the client
call _accept
;; Read and re-send all bytes sent by the client until the client hangs
;; up the connection on their end.
call _read
call _echo
;; read_count is set to zero when client hangs up
mov rax, [read_count]
cmp rax, 0
je .read_complete
jmp .readloop
;; Close client socket
mov rdi, [client]
call _close_sock
mov word [client], 0
jmp .mainloop
;; Exit with success (return 0)
mov rdi, 0
call _exit
;; Performs a sys_socket call to initialise a TCP/IP listening socket, storing
;; socket file descriptor in the sock variable
mov rax, 41 ; SYS_SOCKET
mov rdi, 2 ; AF_INET
mov rsi, 1 ; SOCK_STREAM
mov rdx, 0
;; Check socket was created correctly
cmp rax, 0
jle _socket_fail
;; Store socket descriptor in variable
mov [sock], rax
;; Calls sys_bind and sys_listen to start listening for connections
mov rax, 49 ; SYS_BIND
mov rdi, [sock] ; listening socket fd
mov rsi, pop_sa ; sockaddr_in struct
mov rdx, sockaddr_in_len ; length of sockaddr_in
;; Check call succeeded
cmp rax, 0
jl _bind_fail
;; Bind succeeded, call sys_listen
mov rax, 50 ; SYS_LISTEN
mov rsi, 1 ; backlog (dummy value really)
;; Check for success
cmp rax, 0
jl _listen_fail
;; Accepts a connection from a client, storing the client socket file descriptor
;; in the client variable and logging the connection to stdout
;; Call sys_accept
mov rax, 43 ; SYS_ACCEPT
mov rdi, [sock] ; listening socket fd
mov rsi, 0 ; NULL sockaddr_in value as we don't need that data
mov rdx, 0 ; NULLs have length 0
;; Check call succeeded
cmp rax, 0
jl _accept_fail
;; Store returned fd in variable
mov [client], rax
;; Log connection to stdout
mov rax, 1 ; SYS_WRITE
mov rdi, 1 ; STDOUT
mov rsi, accept_msg
mov rdx, accept_msg_len
;; Reads up to 256 bytes from the client into echobuf and sets the read_count variable
;; to be the number of bytes read by sys_read
;; Call sys_read
mov rax, 0 ; SYS_READ
mov rdi, [client] ; client socket fd
mov rsi, echobuf ; buffer
mov rdx, 256 ; read 256 bytes
;; Copy number of bytes read to variable
mov [read_count], rax
;; Sends up to the value of read_count bytes from echobuf to the client socket
;; using sys_write
mov rax, 1 ; SYS_WRITE
mov rdi, [client] ; client socket fd
mov rsi, echobuf ; buffer
mov rdx, [read_count] ; number of bytes received in _read
;; Performs sys_close on the socket in rdi
mov rax, 3 ; SYS_CLOSE
;; Error Handling code
;; _*_fail handle the population of the rsi and rdx registers with the correct
;; error messages for the labelled situation. They then call _fail to show the
;; error message and exit the application.
mov rsi, sock_err_msg
mov rdx, sock_err_msg_len
call _fail
mov rsi, bind_err_msg
mov rdx, bind_err_msg_len
call _fail
mov rsi, lstn_err_msg
mov rdx, lstn_err_msg_len
call _fail
mov rsi, accept_err_msg
mov rdx, accept_err_msg_len
call _fail
;; Calls the sys_write syscall, writing an error message to stderr, then exits
;; the application. rsi and rdx must be populated with the error message and
;; length of the error message before calling _fail
mov rax, 1 ; SYS_WRITE
mov rdi, 2 ; STDERR
mov rdi, 1
call _exit
;; Exits cleanly, checking if the listening or client sockets need to be closed
;; before calling sys_exit
mov rax, [sock]
cmp rax, 0
je .client_check
mov rdi, [sock]
call _close_sock
mov rax, [client]
cmp rax, 0
je .perform_exit
mov rdi, [client]
call _close_sock
mov rax, 60
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srpk75 commented Feb 3, 2025


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