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Don Morehouse dmmfll

  • Fort Lauderdale, Florida
View GitHub Profile
//Too many if-else and null checks; relying on global indexURLs; decided that "en" urls are default for any country
const getUrlForUser = (user) => {
if (user == null) { //not logged in
return indexURLs['en']; //return default page
if (user.prefs.languages.primary && user.prefs.languages.primary != 'undefined') {
if (indexURLs[user.prefs.languages.primary]) {//if translation exists,
return indexURLs[user.prefs.languages.primary];
} else {
disarticulate / angularjs_notebook.ipynb
Last active March 31, 2022 07:16
A notebook demonstrating how to use arbitrary frameworks (ie, AngularJS) within Jupyter Notebook
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
d2s /
Last active February 20, 2025 23:36
Installing Node.js to Linux & macOS & WSL with nvm

Installing Node.js with nvm to Linux & macOS & WSL

A quick guide on how to setup Node.js development environment.

Install nvm for managing Node.js versions

nvm allows installing several versions of Node.js to the same system. Sometimes applications require a certain versions of Node.js to work. Having the flexibility of using specific versions can help.

  1. Open new Terminal window.
cdjhlee /
Last active August 24, 2021 19:37
install zeromq in ubuntu 14.04
#get zeromq
#unpack tarball package
evanscottgray /
Last active November 8, 2017 13:47
Getting UDP out from behind a restrictive firewall.

Mosh + OpenVPN = Love

Okay. Let's pretend here for a sec that you work in an office where UDP is filtered outbound, but we really want to use UDP for mosh.

Here's the plan at a high level.

  1. Spin up a cloud server
  2. Install Docker
  3. Start OpenVPN Container
  4. Grab .ovpn config
  5. Modify .ovpn config to a include static route to your UDP-enabled destination
maxim / tasks.yml
Last active June 15, 2016 03:41
Copy file on remote machine in ansible
- name: ensure file exists at path
shell: rsync -ci /source/path /destination/path
register: rsync_result
changed_when: "rsync_result.stdout != ''"
fperez / ProgrammaticNotebook.ipynb
Last active November 14, 2024 11:22
Creating an IPython Notebook programatically
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Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
carlosmcevilly / gist:2221249
Last active January 17, 2025 01:25
fix git commit with wrong email address in git config, before pushing
- you add and commit with the wrong email address in git, and
- your remote has a hook set up to prevent you from pushing with the bad address
Then you need to amend the author of your commit before push can succeed:
1. fix your email address in git config:
$ git config "Your Name"
hrldcpr /
Last active January 6, 2025 22:43
one-line tree in python

One-line Tree in Python

Using Python's built-in defaultdict we can easily define a tree data structure:

def tree(): return defaultdict(tree)

That's it!

cjoudrey / twitter.js
Created November 5, 2011 16:37
Lazy-rendering in PhantomJS
// This example shows how to render pages that perform AJAX calls
// upon page load.
// Instead of waiting a fixed amount of time before doing the render,
// we are keeping track of every resource that is loaded.
// Once all resources are loaded, we wait a small amount of time
// (resourceWait) in case these resources load other resources.
// The page is rendered after a maximum amount of time (maxRenderTime)