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Last active June 6, 2017 19:01
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Keras Sequence to Sequence Simple example
from __future__ import print_function
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Activation
from keras.layers import LSTM, Masking
from keras.optimizers import RMSprop
import numpy as np
This gist shows you have to do a simple seq-to-seq with keras with words instead of chars.
It is roughly based on this example
It also shows how masking works with uneven vectors, working with responses, etc
#Used to generate input
questions = [
"Hello, what is your name",
"What do you like to do",
"What are your favorite foods",
"Do you like coding",
"Do you enjoy movies"
#responses from bot
responses = [
"My name is billy joel END",
"I like to play soccer END",
"My favorite food is chicken END",
"It is not really for me END",
"Yes and no it Depends END"
# get the individual words
x_words = [j for i in questions for j in i.split()]
y_words = [j for i in responses for j in i.split()]
# combine the words
all_words = x_words
#remove duplicates
all_words = set(all_words)
#convert to list for indexing
all_words_l = list(all_words)
#index with a dictionary for speed
all_words = zip(all_words_l, range(len(all_words_l)))
all_words = dict(all_words)
#used for training
new_questions = []
new_answers = []
for i, sentence in enumerate(questions):
#take the questions' and responses' words
quest = questions[i].split()
resp = responses[i].split()
#initial append the base for training example 1
for z, answ in enumerate(resp):
#append the response word for previous sentence
if answ != "END":
temp_q = quest[:] #copy
quest = temp_q
#calculates max length for masking
temp = [len(x.split()) for x in questions]
temp = np.array(temp)
resp_temp = [len(x.split()) for x in responses]
resp_temp = np.array(resp_temp)
max_len = temp.max() + resp_temp.max()
#Vectorize words in a binary sense (not word2vec)
X = np.zeros((len(new_questions), max_len, len(all_words_l)))
y = np.zeros((len(new_answers), len(all_words_l)))
for i, quest in enumerate(new_questions):
for t, word in enumerate(quest):
X[i, t, all_words[word]] = 1
y[i, all_words[new_answers[i]]] = 1
#Create model
model = Sequential()
model.add(Masking(mask_value=0., input_shape=(max_len, len(all_words_l))))
optimizer = RMSprop(lr=0.01)
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer)
#generate first question
to_test = X[:6, :, :]
#Fit the data, y, nb_epoch=35, batch_size=20)
#generated text
predicted = model.predict(to_test)
gen = [all_words_l[predicted[i].argmax()] for i in range(len(predicted))]
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