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Damien Seguin dmnsgn

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FreyaHolmer / GpuPrinter.cginc
Last active March 6, 2025 15:30
A unity shader .cginc to draw numbers in the fragment shader - see the first comment below for example usage!
// ABOUT: A unity Shader .cginc to draw numbers in the fragment shader
// AUTHOR: Freya Holmér
// LICENSE: Use for whatever, commercial or otherwise!
// Don't hold me liable for issues though
// But pls credit me if it works super well <3
// LIMITATIONS: There's some precision loss beyond 3 decimal places
// CONTRIBUTORS: yes please! if you know a more precise way to get
// decimal digits then pls lemme know!
// GetDecimalSymbolAt() could use some more love/precision
mattdesl / random.wgsl
Last active July 2, 2024 14:30
high quality deterministic PRNG in WebGPU & WGSL (xorshift128) - MIT licensed
// each pixel is assigned 4 random u32 values per frame
@group(0) @binding(1)
var<storage, read> rnd_state: array<u32>;
// the current state within this pixel
var<private> local_rnd_state:vec4u;
fn random_u32(state:ptr<private,vec4u>) -> u32 {
var st:vec4u = *state;
/* Algorithm "xor128" from p. 5 of Marsaglia, "Xorshift RNGs" */
OrionReed / dom3d.js
Last active February 17, 2025 22:17
3D DOM viewer, copy-paste this into your console to visualise the DOM topographically.
// 3D Dom viewer, copy-paste this into your console to visualise the DOM as a stack of solid blocks.
// You can also minify and save it as a bookmarklet (
(() => {
const SHOW_SIDES = false; // color sides of DOM nodes?
const COLOR_SURFACE = true; // color tops of DOM nodes?
const COLOR_RANDOM = false; // randomise color?
const COLOR_HUE = 190; // hue in HSL (
const MAX_ROTATION = 180; // set to 360 to rotate all the way round
const THICKNESS = 20; // thickness of layers
const DISTANCE = 10000; // ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
guest271314 /
Last active March 12, 2025 10:17
A list of JavaScript engines, runtimes, interpreters

V8 is Google’s open source high-performance JavaScript and WebAssembly engine, written in C++. It is used in Chrome and in Node.js, among others. It implements ECMAScript and WebAssembly, and runs on Windows 7 or later, macOS 10.12+, and Linux systems that use x64, IA-32, ARM, or MIPS processors. V8 can run standalone, or can be embedded into any C++ application.

SpiderMonkey is Mozilla’s JavaScript and WebAssembly Engine, used in Firefox, Servo and various other projects. It is written in C++, Rust and JavaScript. You can embed it into C++ and Rust projects, and it can be run as a stand-alone shell. It can also be [compiled](

mattdesl / cli.js
Created September 13, 2022 10:37
colour palette from text prompt using Stable Diffusion
* General-purpose NodeJS CLI/API wrapping the Stable-Diffusion python scripts.
* Note that this uses an older fork of stable-diffusion
* with the '' script, and that script was modified to
* support the --outfile command.
var { spawn, exec } = require("child_process");
var path = require("path");

NFT Thoughts, Essays, Writings

I'm collecting here a few essays on the net about tokenization in the art world. This list is likely biased and by no means exhaustive.

munrocket /
Last active March 2, 2025 22:13
WGSL 3D SDF Primitives

WGSL 3D SDF Primitives

Revision: 06.08.2023,

Sphere - exact

fn sdSphere(p: vec3f, r: f32) -> f32 {
  return length(p) - r;
jackrusher / trinity.js
Created March 29, 2021 09:23
A fast, minimal JS triple store implementation in ~70 lines of code
// three indices to efficiently support all lookups
function createDB() {
return {eav: new Map(),
ave: new Map(),
vea: new Map()};
function addToIndex(xs, x, y, z, triple) {
let ys = xs.get(x);
if(ys == undefined) {
sindresorhus /
Last active March 13, 2025 12:25
Pure ESM package

Pure ESM package

The package that linked you here is now pure ESM. It cannot be require()'d from CommonJS.

This means you have the following choices:

  1. Use ESM yourself. (preferred)
    Use import foo from 'foo' instead of const foo = require('foo') to import the package. You also need to put "type": "module" in your package.json and more. Follow the below guide.
  2. If the package is used in an async context, you could use await import(…) from CommonJS instead of require(…).
  3. Stay on the existing version of the package until you can move to ESM.