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Darren Pinder dmpinder

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dmpinder / gist:e6c5b4858c2e33a169b2ab48dc2e7b1f
Created July 22, 2021 13:06
A handy reference for font sizes
## Note: You will need to customise this to your project and base font-size, you can't use this as-is!
Element | Mobile | Desktop | Class to use
Paragraph | 19px (1.1875rem) | 20px (1.25rem) | None
Lead-in Paragraph | 22px (1.375rem) | 24px (1.5rem) | .lead
Small Paragraph | 15px (0.9375rem) | 16px (1rem) | .small
H1 | 56px (3.5rem) | 64px (4rem) | .heading-1
H2 | 44px (2.75rem) | 52px (3.25rem) | .heading-2
dmpinder / webp.scss
Created May 29, 2021 22:56
WebP mixin for SASS with @supports detection
@mixin webp($webp, $fallback) {
background: url($fallback);
/* Chrome 66+, Edge 79+, Opera 53+, Android Brower 80+ */
@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) and (min-resolution:.001dpcm) {
@supports (background-image: -webkit-image-set(url($webp) 1x)) {
background: -webkit-image-set(url($webp) 1x);