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SpainTrain / circle.yml
Created September 21, 2015 17:26
CircleCI machine config for node-gyp with Node v4.X
version: 4.1
- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9
- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 50 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9
staltz /
Last active March 9, 2025 05:06
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
listochkin / node-command-line-options.txt
Created April 17, 2014 11:00
Node V8 GC-related options
--log_gc (Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool.)
type: bool default: false
--expose_gc (expose gc extension)
type: bool default: false
--max_new_space_size (max size of the new generation (in kBytes))
type: int default: 0
--max_old_space_size (max size of the old generation (in Mbytes))
type: int default: 0
--max_executable_size (max size of executable memory (in Mbytes))
type: int default: 0