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Forked from jasny/bootstrap-em.less
Created May 22, 2014 13:10
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* Use em or rem font-size in Bootstrap 3
@font-size-root: 14px;
@font-unit: 0rem; // Pick em or rem here
// Convert all variables to em
@font-size-base: 1 + @font-unit;
@font-size-large: 1.25 + @font-unit;
@font-size-small: 0.85 + @font-unit;
@font-size-h1: 2.6 + @font-unit;
@font-size-h2: 2.15 + @font-unit;
@font-size-h3: 1.7 + @font-unit;
@font-size-h4: 1.25 + @font-unit;
@font-size-h5: @font-size-base;
@font-size-h6: 0.85 + @font-unit;
@line-height-computed: (@font-size-base * @line-height-base);
@padding-base-vertical: ((6px / @font-size-root) + @font-unit);
@padding-base-horizontal: ((12px / @font-size-root) + @font-unit);
@padding-large-vertical: ((10px / @font-size-root) + @font-unit);
@padding-large-horizontal: ((16px / @font-size-root) + @font-unit);
@padding-small-vertical: ((5px / @font-size-root) + @font-unit);
@padding-small-horizontal: ((10px / @font-size-root) + @font-unit);
@padding-xs-vertical: ((1px / @font-size-root) + @font-unit);
@padding-xs-horizontal: ((5px / @font-size-root) + @font-unit);
@border-radius-base: ((4px / @font-size-root) + @font-unit);
@border-radius-large: ((6px / @font-size-root) + @font-unit);
@border-radius-small: ((3px / @font-size-root) + @font-unit);
@caret-width-base: ((4px / @font-size-root) + @font-unit);
@caret-width-large: ((5px / @font-size-root) + @font-unit);
//** Default `.form-control` height
@input-height-base: (@line-height-computed + (@padding-base-vertical * 2));
//** Large `.form-control` height
@input-height-large: ((@font-size-large * @line-height-large) + (@padding-large-vertical * 2));
//** Small `.form-control` height
@input-height-small: ((@font-size-small * @line-height-small) + (@padding-small-vertical * 2));
// Set root font size
html {
font-size: @font-size-root;
// Change styling for elements that mix pixels and ems
pre {
font-size: ( @font-size-base - (1 / @font-size-root) )
.form-control-feedback {
width: calc(@input-height-base ~" + 2px");
height: calc(@input-height-base ~" + 2px");
.input-lg + .form-control-feedback {
width: calc(@input-height-large ~" + 2px");
height: calc(@input-height-large ~" + 2px");
.input-sm + .form-control-feedback {
width: calc(@input-height-small ~" + 2px");
height: calc(@input-height-small ~" + 2px");
.form-control {
height: calc(@input-height-base ~" + 2px");
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