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Last active November 17, 2016 14:44
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Web Portal installation instruction

Step by step installation of Web Portal

  1. Run instruction described here:

  2. Fork and clone the fork

  3. Enter cloned repo:

    cd webportal_engine
  4. Activate virtualenv:

    workon trytond
  5. Install webportal_engine:

    pip install -e .
    pip install slugify==0.0.1
  6. Create symlinks to actually have editable installation:

    ln -s $PWD/trytond_nereid $(dirname `which python`)/../lib/python2.7/site-packages/trytond/modules/nereid
    ln -s $PWD/nereid_test_module $(dirname `which python`)/../lib/python2.7/site-packages/trytond/modules/nereid_test
    ln -s $PWD/trytond_webportal_blog $(dirname `which python`)/../lib/python2.7/site-packages/trytond/modules/webportal_blog
  7. Update modules:

    trytond-admin -c ./tryton.conf -v -d tryton --all
  8. Restart Tryton Server:

    trytond -c ./tryton.conf -v -d tryton --dev
  9. Reconnect Tryton Client and install new modules in client

    1. In Tryton Client open by double click: Administration -> Modules -> Modules
    2. Click at "Mark for installation" for "webportal_blog" module
    3. In tool bar click "Launch action" -> "Perform Pending Installation/Upgrade"
    4. Click "Start Upgrade"
    5. Wait until upgrad finishes and click "OK"
    6. Cancel all wizards
    7. Find "Nereid" item in the left bar above "Administration" item
  10. Create new website "localhost" at "Nereid" -> "Configuration" -> "Web Sites"

  11. Fork and clone the fork

  12. In a separate console:

    cd webportal_server
    workon trytond
    pip install Flask-RESTful==0.3.5
    vim  # set DATABASE_NAME='tryton', TRYTON_CONFIG, app.static_folder according to your installation
  13. Run server:

    python ./
  14. Open in browser or

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