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Created May 25, 2019 11:35
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# multi choropleth
import pandas as pd
import os
pd.set_option('precision', 10)
os.chdir("C:/Users/Dome/Desktop/nu/Wahl- und Strukturdaten/Tabellen/")
ma = pd.read_csv("MASTERENG.csv",float_precision='round_trip')
import folium
import webbrowser
state_geo="C:/Users/Dome/Desktop/nu/Wahl- und Strukturdaten/Wahlkreise.geojson"
# a loop might be implemented here, but be useless, as the file size
# would grow too much
# the final file size is around 80 Mb
m = folium.Map(location=[51, 10], zoom_start=5) # focus on germany
# create 4 choropleth maps
m.choropleth(geo_data=state_geo, name='Index Delta 2017-2013', data=df, columns=["District No.","deltaindex"],
key_on='', fill_color='PuOr', fill_opacity=0.8,
line_opacity=0.3, legend_name='Index Delta 2017-2013', highlight=True)
m.choropleth(geo_data=state_geo, name='Voting Index 2017', data=df, columns=["District No.","selfindex17"],
key_on='', fill_color='PuOr', fill_opacity=0.8,
line_opacity=0.3, legend_name='Voting Index 2017', highlight=True)
m.choropleth(geo_data=state_geo, name='Voting Index 2013', data=df, columns=["District No.","selfindex13"],
key_on='', fill_color='PuOr', fill_opacity=0.8,
line_opacity=0.3, legend_name='Voting Index 2013', highlight=True)
m.choropleth(geo_data=state_geo, name='AfD Votes 2017', data=df, columns=["District No.","afd17"],
key_on='', fill_color='YlOrBr', fill_opacity=0.8,
line_opacity=0.3, legend_name='AfD Votes 2017 in %', highlight=True)
folium.LayerControl().add_to(m) # useful for multiple layers
# Save to html in your directory"C:/Users/Dome/Desktop/nu/Karten/t1.html")
# open html file in your standard browser"C:/Users/Dome/Desktop/nu/Karten/t1.html")
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