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Created June 28, 2010 16:00
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Implements Conway's Game of Life
# Monkey patch to add .x/.y shorthand and wrapping positive indices to Array
class Array
# Lets me reference arrays as <array>.x/<array>.y for readability.
def x; self[0]; end
def y; self[1]; end
# Replace Array#[] with a version that wraps positive indices
alias :old_get :[]
def [](a,b=nil)
a = a - self.size if a.respond_to?(:>=) and a >= self.size
self.send( :old_get, *(b.nil? ? [a] : [a,b]) )
# Implements Conway's Game of Life
class GameOfLife
attr_writer :state
# List of offset tuples describing where to find a point's neighbors
Neighbors = [-1,0,1].map { |x| [-1,0,1].zip,x) }.flatten(1).reject { |x| x == [0,0] }
# Create a new GoL with the width & height of size, setting each cell
# alive/dead according to a probability (0.0 = no live cells; 1.0 = all live cells)
def initialize(size,probability=rand)
# Create an empty world with dimensions +size+
# and set cells according to +probability+
self.state = (1..(size)).map { |r|,0).map { |y| (rand+probability).to_i } }
def evolve
# Make next generation world
nextgen = (0..(@state.size-1)).map { |r| @state[r].dup }
# Set next generation world according to GoL rules
(0..(@state.size-1)).each do |y|
(0..(@state[0].size-1)).each do |x|
# Count how many of this cell's neighbors are alive
neighborhood = Neighbors.inject(0) { |s,offset| s += @state[y+offset.y][x+offset.x] }
alive = @state[y][x] == 1
nextgen[y][x] = 0 if alive and (neighborhood < 2 or neighborhood > 3)
nextgen[y][x] = 1 if not alive and neighborhood == 3
# Update the world with the next generation
@state = nextgen
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