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-- Example script
-- to pick out patients currently in A&E resus or majors
-- ugly HL7 location string
-- time admitted to that bed/theatre/scan etc.
docsteveharris / stroke_and_omop_exemplar.sql
Created July 23, 2021 16:20
Demonstrate the richness of the data that are available in OMOP at UCLH for patients with a stroke phenotype
-- example script to extract stroke diagnoses
-- concept_id pulled from by searching for ICD or OPCS codes
-- e.g. OPCS U54.3 -->
FROM dsf_omop.condition_occurrence c
LEFT JOIN dsf_omop.concept co ON c.condition_concept_id = co.concept_id
-- see
docsteveharris / query4grant.sql
Created July 23, 2021 15:34
Lymphocyte count and outcomes in CCHIC - OMOP
-- P of PICO looks like
-- Lymphocyte count less than 1.2 within 72 hours of critical care admission + mechanical ventilation.
-- O 60-day mortality…. So in hospital mortality would be great
-- 1. find lymphocyte counts
FROM dsf_omop.measurement m
WHERE m.measurement_concept_id = 3019198

Doctors and nurses make many treatment decisions. Only some are guided by gold standard evidence from randomised controlled trials (an RCT). Many are made without evidence and must rely on training and experience. There is often consensus for 'big decisions' but for smaller decisions, since each clinician's training and experience is different, there is frequent arbitrary variation.

For example, most clinicians will agree that prolonged antibiotics for an infection eventually cause more harm than good. The patient will develop side effects, and the microbes become resistant. However, there is no gold standard to say how many hours or days of each antibiotics are enough for each different infection.

Traditional RCTs are too expensive to answer all these questions. We have made some progress in reducing cost by embedding the RCT in an electronic health record (EHR) so that data collection and follow-up are then automated. However, consenting and randomising patients still requires a research nurse to visit ea

docsteveharris / live_hospital_occupancy_by_ward.sql
Created November 25, 2019 15:44
Report live hospital occupancy by ward from EMAP-star (before data migrated to EMAP-ops aka OMOP) #emap #uclh
-- Current occupancy of the Hospital
SELECT ward,
count(ward) as occupancy
SELECT DISTINCT ON (pp.value_as_string)
m.mrn AS Mrn
, pa.value_as_datetime AS Allocation_Time
, pp.value_as_string AS Bed_Name
, split_part(split_part(pp.value_as_string, E'^', 2), ' ', 1) AS ward
FROM live.patient_property pp
docsteveharris / count_patients_currently_in_T03.sql
Last active November 25, 2019 14:48
Returns open visit_occurences (without and visit_end_datetime) for T03 #emap #uclh
--SELECT * FROM omop_live.care_site WHERE care_site_name LIKE 'T03%' order by care_site_name;
--JOIN done manually because otherwise runs really slowly
-- cs.care_site_id,
-- cs.care_site_name,
docsteveharris / emap_clean_caresite_names.R
Created November 25, 2019 13:09
Clean up the HL7 strings indicating patient locations at UCLH within the OMOP care site table #emap #uclh
# 2019-11-24
# Steve Harris
# TODO the care site table will need updating; it was exported on the date above but will inevitably change with time
# CRAN libraries
docsteveharris / star2ops_parse_error_log.sql
Last active November 25, 2019 12:27
Parse error log for the task transforming data in EMAP star to EMAP ops (OMOP) #uclh #emap
select * from (
select 0 as id, 'INFO' as type , 'Number of runs' as note, count(*)
from omop_live.etl_error_log
where error_message like 'Finishe%'
docsteveharris / emap-hl7-20190717.vegalite
Last active July 17, 2019 15:17
EMAP HL7 message load
"config": {"view": {"width": 400, "height": 300}, "mark": {"tooltip": null}},
"layer": [
"mark": {"type": "line", "interpolate": "basis"},
"encoding": {
"color": {"type": "nominal", "field": "messagetype"},
"x": {"type": "temporal", "field": "messagedatetime"},
"y": {"type": "quantitative", "field": "value"}
docsteveharris / dt2xyz.R
Last active May 27, 2018 06:57
prepare a data from a data.table ready for printing as a 3d grid
# Prepare wide data for 3D printing
# Expects to be passed 3 columns: x,y,z
# x and y will be binned
# a function of z will be used to prepare the z coordinate