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Information from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file : | |
Use any character in the current code page for a name, including Unicode | |
characters and characters in the extended character set (128–255), except | |
for the following: | |
- The following reserved characters: | |
< (less than) | |
> (greater than) | |
: (colon) | |
" (double quote) | |
/ (forward slash) | |
\ (backslash) | |
| (vertical bar or pipe) | |
? (question mark) | |
* (asterisk) | |
- Integer value zero, sometimes referred to as the ASCII NUL character. | |
- Characters whose integer representations are in the range from 1 through | |
31, except for alternate data streams where these characters are | |
allowed. For more information about file streams, see File Streams. | |
- Any other character that the target file system does not allow. | |
- Do not use the following reserved names for the name of a file: | |
COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9. | |
Also avoid these names followed immediately by an extension; for | |
example, NUL.txt is not recommended. | |
- Do not end a file or directory name with a space or a period. Although | |
the underlying file system may support such names, the Windows shell and | |
user interface does not. However, it is acceptable to specify a period | |
as the first character of a name. For example, ".temp". | |
--- | |
Handy list to copy/paste: | |
<>:"/\|?* | |
--- | |
Note: Other OSs and file systems may vary; but in general, the only forbidden characters | |
in filenames on Unix-like systems appear to be the forward slash (/) and the null byte. |
Jan 6, 2021
For .Net, there is https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.io.path.getinvalidpathchars?view=net-5.0: name?.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) == -1
or name?.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) == -1
depending if you want to validate a file name or a full path.
It will still not catch issues with file names like NUL or COM on FAT or NTFS.
For Python3:
import re
Can a filename have space under windows?
Yes it can, you can verify by creating one yourself
Python3 :
def cleanFilename(sourcestring, removestring ="\"|%:/,.\\[]<>*?") :
return ''.join([c for c in sourcestring if c not in removestring])
If you know of a good GitHub Action that detect (or replace) those filenames automatically, I'm looking for one.
I'd like to rename a filename with a "-" (hyphen) suffix but windows (7) refuses.
Do you guys think this is forbidden only at the end of filenames?