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Last active January 26, 2020 19:00
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VSIX options (settings) cookbook #vsix

Constansts, strings, variables


It is the category of option page itself. It must be the same string as in ProvideOptionPage attribute on your package class:

[ProvideOptionPage(typeof(FooPage), "<THIS STRING HERE>", ...)]
class FooPackage : AsyncPackage


It is the name of option page itself, as declared in ProvideOptionPage attribute on your package class:

[ProvideOptionPage(typeof(FooPage), PageCategory, "<THIS STRING HERE>", ...)]
class FooPackage : AsyncPackage


The actual name of a property in your code, not anything in the attributes. For example:

    public bool Qux { get; set; } = true;

In this case the PropertyName is "Qux".

// See to learn what strings PageCategory, PageName and PropertyName are supposed to contain.
const string PageCategory = "Foo";
const string PageName = "Bar";
const string PropertyName = "Baz";
var dte = (DTE2)Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(DTE));
var props = dte.Properties[PageCategory, PageName];
// Read:
// Note that this can throw an exception if such property wasn't saved yet.
// Suppose the type of the property is bool, then:
var value = (bool)props.Item(PropertyName).Value;
// Write:
// Note that this can throw an exception if such property wasn't saved yet. I'm not sure how to add it manually.
props.Item(PropertyName).Value = value;
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