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Last active April 19, 2022 01:18
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  • Save dogweather/53adbd5619103e80676df43ca6b0e592 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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class AttributeWriter {
constructor(cf_object) {
this.cf_object = cf_object;
async element(element) {
const data = this.cf_object;
// Is the visitor in the VIP list?
const visitor_asn = data.asn
const network_name = await VIP_API_ASN.get(visitor_asn)
const is_vip = (network_name !== null)
const message = 'vip: ' + (is_vip ? 'yes' : 'no ') + '; ' + data.asn.toString().padStart(7) + ' - ' + data.asOrganization
// Log the result for debugging
// Pass the result back as an HTML attribute so that
// JS in the browser can access it.
element.setAttribute('data-cf-vip', message)
async function handleRequest(request) {
response = await fetch(request);
return new HTMLRewriter().on('body', new AttributeWriter(;
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
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