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Created August 5, 2021 12:22
Thinkpad P14s NixOS installation
wpa_supplicant -B -i interface -c <(wpa_passphrase 'SSID' 'key').
parted /dev/nvme0n1 -- mklabel gpt
parted /dev/nvme0n1 -- mkpart primary 512MiB -0
parted /dev/nvme0n1 -- mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 512MiB
parted /dev/nvme0n1 -- set 2 esp on
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/nvme0n1p1
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p1 encryptedroot
mkfs.btrfs -L nixos /dev/mapper/encryptedroot
mkfs.fat -F 32 -n boot /dev/nvme0n1p2
mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt
mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot
nixos-generate-config --root /mnt
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knedlsepp commented Jan 5, 2022

I bought the same machine and used your partitioning scheme. I'm curious if you have working hibernation. My box only goes to suspend when the lid is closed and pretty much uses up the entire battery in a day of it being closed. Is that due to missing swap?

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There's a new approach to suspending (aimed to be low-power) that needs to be figured out how to enable it.

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So I'm probably not looking for hibernate but a better suspend. Thx for the pointer.

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Have you found an optimal suspend configuration?
I have a Lenovo X1 Carbon, the latest, and still suspend drains the whole battery in less than a day.
I am using this trick now, go to hibernate after 60 min of suspend, it works but is quite annoying sometimes:

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