Submitting to the App Store
First, install Developer certs from Apple's Developer portal
To Build the Application:
- Select "Your App" from your Scheme menu, NOT "Deployment"
- Select Product > Archive to build for Release
- Once completed, the Organizer window will open
- Select your recent build and press the "Validate" button - make sure this passes!
- Press the "Share" button, select "Application" and save to your filesystem
To Compile and Sign:
- Navigate to the app saved from Xcode
- Embed MacRuby and compile the app with the following command:
macruby_deploy --embed --compile
- Sign the app with the Developer Application cert:
codesign -f -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Your Company"
(This may be redundant. Do it anyways.) To Distribute:
- Build an installer package using "productbuild"
productbuild --component /Applications --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Your Company" YourApp
- Launch "Application Loader"
- Enter your credentials and select the correct app and version you want to submit
- Select the .pkg file you just created, and hit upload.