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Last active June 17, 2021 19:52
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EtherDelta Fund Management
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) public tokens;
function deposit() payable {
tokens[0][msg.sender] = safeAdd(tokens[0][msg.sender], msg.value);
Deposit(0, msg.sender, msg.value, tokens[0][msg.sender]);
function withdraw(uint amount) {
if (tokens[0][msg.sender] < amount) throw;
tokens[0][msg.sender] = safeSub(tokens[0][msg.sender], amount);
if (! throw;
Withdraw(0, msg.sender, amount, tokens[0][msg.sender]);
function depositToken(address token, uint amount) {
//remember to call Token(address).approve(this, amount) or this contract will not be able to do the transfer on your behalf.
if (token==0) throw;
if (!Token(token).transferFrom(msg.sender, this, amount)) throw;
tokens[token][msg.sender] = safeAdd(tokens[token][msg.sender], amount);
Deposit(token, msg.sender, amount, tokens[token][msg.sender]);
function withdrawToken(address token, uint amount) {
if (token==0) throw;
if (tokens[token][msg.sender] < amount) throw;
tokens[token][msg.sender] = safeSub(tokens[token][msg.sender], amount);
if (!Token(token).transfer(msg.sender, amount)) throw;
Withdraw(token, msg.sender, amount, tokens[token][msg.sender]);
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mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) public tokens;

function deposit() payable {
tokens[0][msg.sender] = safeAdd(tokens[0][msg.sender], msg.value);
Deposit(0, msg.sender, msg.value, tokens[0][msg.sender]);

function withdraw(uint amount) {
if (tokens[0][msg.sender] < amount) throw;
tokens[0][msg.sender] = safeSub(tokens[0][msg.sender], amount);
if (! throw;
Withdraw(0, msg.sender, amount, tokens[0][msg.sender]);

function depositToken(address token, uint amount) {
//remember to call Token(address).approve(this, amount) or this contract will not be able to do the transfer on your behalf.
if (token==0) throw;
if (!Token(token).transferFrom(msg.sender, this, amount)) throw;
tokens[token][msg.sender] = safeAdd(tokens[token][msg.sender], amount);
Deposit(token, msg.sender, amount, tokens[token][msg.sender]);

function withdrawToken(address token, uint amount) {
if (token==0) throw;
if (tokens[token][msg.sender] < amount) throw;
tokens[token][msg.sender] = safeSub(tokens[token][msg.sender], amount);
if (!Token(token).transfer(msg.sender, amount)) throw;
Withdraw(token, msg.sender, amount, tokens[token][msg.sender]);

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