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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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Save dominik-hadl/10686848 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
These are the apps I use most, either for fun or for developing. This list is basically a reference for me, if I reinstall or whatever I do, to know which apps I have used before and what were their names.
* Postbox
* Spotify
* Photoshop CC
* Skype
* Skala Preview
* XMind
* Audacity
* A Better Finder Rename
* Better Touch Tool
* aText
* Dropbox
* Harvest
* WindowMagnet
* f.lux
* Watchdog
* Alfred
* iTerm 2
* 1Password
* CrashPlan
* Xcode
* ImageAlpha
* ImageOptim
* Unity3d
* Crashlytics
* FileZilla
* Glyph Designer
* Little Snitch
* Particle Designer
* Reflector
* SourceTree
* Spark Inspector (trial)
* Sublime Text
* TeamViewer
* TexturePacker
* The Unarchiver
* VirtualBox
* Wifi Explorer
* TotalFinder
* TrueCrypt
* Tokens
* Google Chrome
* Mozilla Firefox
* TexPad
Tools & Others
* zsh
* MacTeX
* MoarFonts
* Homebrew
* much much more (to be continued...)
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