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Created January 22, 2020 14:21
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A package to control iTunes from Emacs using Applescript
;;; .itunes.el --- Package to interact with iTunes & Apple music from within Emacs
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'dash)
(defvar -itunes-playlist "Emacs - temporary"
"The name of the playlist to create for temporary housing tracks.")
(defun -itunes-cmd (cmd)
"Convert CMD into a command string for shell execution."
(-partial 's-replace "{PLAYLIST}" -itunes-playlist)
(-partial 'format "osascript -e 'tell application \"iTunes\"' %s -e 'end tell'")
(-partial 's-join " ")
(-partial '-map (-partial 'format "-e '%s'")))
(defun -itunes-tell (cmd)
"Run osascript to tell iTunes application CMD."
(shell-command (-itunes-cmd cmd)))
(defun -itunes-run (cmd &optional uniq)
"Run osascript to tell application CMD.
When UNIQ is non-nil, return a unique list of items."
(if uniq '-uniq 'identity)
(-partial '-map 'capitalize)
(-partial 's-split ", ")
(-itunes-cmd cmd)))
(defun -itunes-clear-playlist ()
"Clear the temporary playlist `-itunes-playlist' or create it."
"if user playlist \"{PLAYLIST}\" exists then"
" try"
" delete tracks of user playlist \"{PLAYLIST}\""
" end try"
" make new user playlist with properties {name:\"{PLAYLIST}\"}"
"end if"
(defmacro defitunes-get (type &optional uniq)
"Macro to define function to get list TYPE items from iTunes.
When UNIQ is non-nil, return a uniq list."
`(defun ,(intern (format "itunes-get-%s" type)) ()
,(format "Get a list of every %s from your itunes library" type)
'(,(format "%s of (every track of playlist \"Library\") as list" type))
(defitunes-get "artist" t)
(defitunes-get "album" t)
(defitunes-get "genre" t)
(defun itunes-get-songs ()
"WIP. Get all songs from iTunes with meta data."
(let ((names (-itunes-run '("name of (every track of playlist \"Library\")")))
(albums (-itunes-run '("album of (every track of playlist \"Library\")")))
(artists (-itunes-run '("artist of (every track of playlist \"Library\")"))))
(-zip-lists names artists albums)))
(defun itunes-get-albums-for-artist (artist)
"Get a list of albums for ARTIST."
`(,(format "album of (every track of playlist \"Library\" whose artist is \"%s\") as list" artist))
(defun itunes-get-tracks-for-album (album)
"Get a list of tracks for ALBUM."
`(,(format "name of (every track of playlist \"Library\" whose album is \"%s\") as list" album)))
`(,(format "duration of (every track of playlist \"Library\" whose album is \"%s\") as list" album)))))
(defun itunes-get-album-summary (album)
"Get summary data about an ALBUM."
(let* ((aInfo (itunes-get-tracks-for-album album))
(aLength (length aInfo))
(aPPTracks (format "%s tracks" aLength))
(aDuration (-sum (-map (-compose 'string-to-number 'cadr) aInfo))))
(pcase-let* ((`(,seconds ,minutes ,hours) (decode-time aDuration))
(aPPDuration (if (= 0 (1- hours))
(format "%s mins" minutes)
(format "%s hr %s mins" hours minutes))))
(list aLength aPPTracks aDuration aPPDuration))))
(defun -itunes-add-artist (artist)
"Clear playlist and add all tracks for ARTIST to `-itunes-playlist'."
,(format "set S to every track of playlist \"Library\" whose artist is \"%s\"" artist)
"repeat with s in S"
" duplicate s to the end of user playlist \"{PLAYLIST}\""
"end repeat"
(defun -itunes-add-album (album)
"Clear playlist and add all tracks for ALBUM to `-itunes-playlist'."
,(format "set S to every track of playlist \"Library\" whose album is \"%s\"" album)
"repeat with s in S"
" duplicate s to the end of user playlist \"{PLAYLIST}\""
"end repeat"
(defun -itunes-play-artist (artist)
"Add tracks for ARTIST and then play `-itunes-playlist'."
(-itunes-add-artist artist)
(-itunes-tell '("play user playlist \"{PLAYLIST}\"")))
(defun -itunes-play-album (album)
"Add tracks for ALBUM and then play `-itunes-playlist'."
(-itunes-add-album album)
(-itunes-tell '("play user playlist \"{PLAYLIST}\"")))
(defun itunes-play ()
"Interactive completing form of `-itunes-play-artist'."
(let ((candidates (itunes-get-artist)))
(ivy-read "Play artist: " candidates
:action (lambda (x) (itunes-play-artist x)))))
(defun itunes-play-album ()
"Interactive completing form of `-itunes-play-album'."
(let* ((artist-candidates (itunes-get-artist))
(artist (ivy-completing-read "👩‍🎤 Artist: " artist-candidates))
(album-candidates (itunes-get-albums-for-artist artist))
(album (ivy-completing-read "💿 Album: " album-candidates)))
(-itunes-play-album album)))
(provide '.itunes)
;;; .itunes.el ends here
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