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Don Schnitzius don1138

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don1138 / CSS_vars_JS.html
Created February 24, 2025 01:34
Access CSS variables using Javascript
// Define your variables at the root level in CSS
// This can be in a separate CSS file, that works fine too
:root {
--color_primary: #ff0000;
// This function gets a CSS variable from the root document element
don1138 /
Last active November 7, 2023 01:40
Rename files in a directory based on a mappings file
# Rename Files v1.1.0
# Imports a mappings file in this format:
# current_name1,new_name1
# current_name2,new_name2
# ...
# and renames files in a MacOS directory.
import os
import shlex
# Ask for directory path and use shlex to sanitize the path
don1138 /
Created November 7, 2023 01:21
Print Phi (Φ) to 50 places
phi = 5**0.5*0.5+0.5
formatted_phi = f"{phi:.50f}"
# 1.61803398874989490252573887119069695472717285156250
don1138 /
Last active November 7, 2023 01:40
Extract metadata from image files
# Extract Metadata v1.3.0
# This script reads the images in a directory and all subdirectories, copies the EXIF metadata, and saves it to a text file with the same name as the source image.
import os
import shlex
from PIL import Image, ExifTags
# Ask the user for the parent directory path and strip trailing whitespace
PARENT_DIRECTORY_input = input("Enter the parent directory path: ").strip()
# Use shlex to sanitize the path
don1138 /
Last active November 7, 2023 01:36
Compress file or folders using Python's zipfile
# Zip File v1.2.0
# Usage: python
import os
import shlex
import zipfile
# Ask the user for the file or directory path to compress
source_path_input = input("Enter the file or directory path to compress: ").strip()
# Use shlex to sanitize the path
don1138 /
Created November 7, 2023 01:02
Make Drag-and-Drop file paths readable by Python
# Read File Path v1.0
# Dreg-and-Dropping into terminal a file with spaces in its name (User/Folder/File\ Name.txt) can cause errors.
# This script makes sure file paths are readable by Python
import shlex
# Ask the user for a file path
file_path_input = input("Enter the path to the target file: ").strip()
file_path_components = shlex.split(file_path_input)
# Reconstruct the file path by joining the components
don1138 / high-dpi-media.css
Created February 23, 2023 20:01 — forked from marcedwards/high-dpi-media.css
A CSS media query that captures almost all high DPI aware devices.
/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* A media query that captures: */
/* */
/* - Retina iOS devices */
/* - Retina Macs running Safari */
/* - High DPI Windows PCs running IE 8 and above */
/* - Low DPI Windows PCs running IE, zoomed in */
/* - Low DPI Windows PCs and Macs running Firefox, zoomed in */
/* - Android hdpi devices and above */

Devices with -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.0

  • All non-Retina Macs
  • Apple iPhone (1st generation)
  • Apple iPhone 3G
  • Apple iPhone 3GS
  • Apple iPad (1st generation)
  • Apple iPad 2
  • Apple iPad mini (1st generation)
  • Acer Iconia A500
don1138 / displaysizes.txt
Last active January 7, 2025 21:43 — forked from marcedwards/displaysizes.txt
iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch display sizes
### Points and Display Type
PPI is points per inch below, not pixels per inch. Not all models are listed, just the first model with a new display size. Diamond, RGB Stripe and Pentile RGB refer to the subpixel patterns.
iPhone 1 = 320 × 480 @ 163PPI sRGB IPS LCD RGB Stripe
iPhone 4 = 320 × 480 @ 163PPI sRGB IPS LCD RGB Stripe
iPhone 5 = 320 × 568 @ 163PPI sRGB IPS LCD RGB Stripe
iPhone 6 = 375 × 667 @ 163PPI sRGB IPS LCD RGB Stripe
iPhone 6 Plus = 414 × 736 @ 153.5PPI sRGB IPS LCD RGB Stripe
iPhone 7 = 375 × 667 @ 163PPI P3 IPS LCD RGB Stripe
don1138 /
Created January 22, 2023 06:04
Blender - Print the contents of a .blend file
import bpy
print("# IMAGES")
for i in
print("# COLLECTIONS")
for i in