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SetInitialFocusBehavior imports stripped.
public class SetInitialFocusBehavior extends ClientBehaviorBase {
/** (ADF) Faces component attributes to handle special cases
* where setting the initial focus doesn't make sense
private static final String ATTR_READ_ONLY = "readOnly";
private static final String ATTR_VISIBLE = "visible";
private static final String ATTR_DISABLED = "disabled";
/** Custom marker attribute.
* Marks initial focus as already set to handle special cases:
* having multiple initial focus tags in the same view
* partial refresh
private static final String ATTR_INITIAL_FOCUS_SET = "initialFocusSet";
public SetInitialFocusBehavior() {
public String getScript(ClientBehaviorContext clientBehaviorContext) {
FacesContext context = clientBehaviorContext.getFacesContext();
// Get the instance of Faces component for the tag
UIComponent component = clientBehaviorContext.getComponent();
//Check if initial focus was already initialy set on component on a same view
if (component.getAttributes().containsKey(ATTR_INITIAL_FOCUS_SET)) {
// Put the marker initialFocusSet into request to prevent cursor
// jumping to the next component in case multiple initialFocusTags are used
context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().put(ATTR_INITIAL_FOCUS_SET, Boolean.TRUE);
return "";
// Check if (does it make sense to set initial focus):
// * component is editable
// * initial focus was NOT already set on THIS component
// * initial focus was NOT already set on OTHER component during the same request
// * component is NOT readOnly
// * component is NOT invisible
// * component is NOT disabled
// ? some case is not relevant or missing ? Remove or add one..
if (component instanceof EditableValueHolder &&
!component.getAttributes().containsKey(ATTR_INITIAL_FOCUS_SET) &&
!context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().containsKey(ATTR_INITIAL_FOCUS_SET) &&
!(component.getAttributes().containsKey(ATTR_READ_ONLY) &&
(Boolean)component.getAttributes().get(ATTR_READ_ONLY)) &&
!(component.getAttributes().containsKey(ATTR_VISIBLE) &&
!(Boolean)component.getAttributes().get(ATTR_VISIBLE)) &&
!(component.getAttributes().containsKey(ATTR_DISABLED) &&
(Boolean)component.getAttributes().get(ATTR_DISABLED))) {
StringBuffer script = new StringBuffer();
// Get component client Id (a whole path with naming containers)
String clientId = clientBehaviorContext.getSourceId();
// Simple Javascript to set a focus on component
script.append("var component = document.getElementById");
// clientId with a suffix "::content"
// NOTE It is not recomended to use DOM level access functions with
// automatically rendered ADF Faces components
// In case the naming convention "::content" of ADF (Trinindad) Faces changes
// please fall back to the the documented ADF Faces client API
// Fire the function focus() twice, just to be sure :)
// Supposed to work around some issues at environments with complex ui and latency.
// If it's not a case in your project - remove the second call.
script.append("if(component != null) component.focus();component.focus();");
// Mark the component with custom marker attribute initialFocusSet
// to handle the case of partial refresh: doesn't change the focus if it was
// already set
component.getAttributes().put(ATTR_INITIAL_FOCUS_SET, Boolean.TRUE);
// Sent javascript to client
ExtendedRenderKitService extendedRenderKitService =
Service.getRenderKitService(context, ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
extendedRenderKitService.addScript(context, script.toString());
// Put the marker initialFocusSet into request to handle the case with
// multiple initial focus tags in a same view
// Enables to leave a cursor on the first input tag redered in a view
context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().put(ATTR_INITIAL_FOCUS_SET, Boolean.TRUE);
// Nothing to return. Unfortunatly no success on returning Javascript here :(
// Why - timing issue ?
// An alternative implementation based on ExtendedRenderKitService
// was used to fire a javascript
return "";
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