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Last active November 25, 2018 17:32
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verbose: REQUEST for [POST] /parse/functions/testPush: {
"userId": "0lxi50to62",
"text": "Lorem ipsnum",
"dataPush": {
"subscriberId": "xku6EHzzwD",
"subscriberName": "Lorem",
"code": "6"
} method=POST, url=/parse/functions/testPush, x-real-ip=, x-forwarded-for=, x-nginx-proxy=true,, connection=close, content-length=153, x-parse-application-id=JAMFABRIC, content-type=application/json, x-parse-master-key=JAMKEY, user-agent=Paw/3.1.7 (Macintosh; OS X/10.13.6) GCDHTTPRequest, userId=0lxi50to62, text=Lorem ipsnum, subscriberId=xku6EHzzwD, subscriberName=lorem, code=6
Sending push to user: 0lxi50to62
info: Ran cloud function testPush for user undefined with:
Input: {"userId":"0lxi50to62","text":"Lorem ipsnum","dataPush":{"subscriberId":"xku6EHzzwD","subscriberName":"Lorem","code":"6"}}
Result: true functionName=testPush, userId=0lxi50to62, text=Lorem ipsnum, subscriberId=xku6EHzzwD, subscriberName=завтра, code=6, user=undefined
verbose: RESPONSE from [POST] /parse/functions/testPush: {
"response": {
"result": true
} result=true
verbose: REQUEST for [POST] /parse/push: {
"where": {
"deviceToken": {
"$select": {
"key": "deviceToken",
"query": {
"where": {
"objectId": "0lxi50to62"
"className": "_User"
"data": {
"data": {
"subscriberId": "xku6EHzzwD",
"subscriberName": "завтра",
"code": "6"
"alert": "Free hotdogs at the Parse concession stand!"
} method=POST, url=/parse/push, user-agent=node-XMLHttpRequest, Parse/js2.1.0 (NodeJS 11.2.0), accept=*/*, content-type=text/plain, host=localhost:1337, content-length=401, connection=close, key=deviceToken, objectId=0lxi50to62, className=_User, subscriberId=xku6EHzzwD, subscriberName=завтра, code=6, alert=Free hotdogs at the Parse concession stand!
verbose: RESPONSE from [POST] /parse/push: {
"headers": {
"X-Parse-Push-Status-Id": "Dwh0u3T4Di"
"response": {
"result": true
} X-Parse-Push-Status-Id=Dwh0u3T4Di, result=true
verbose: _PushStatus Dwh0u3T4Di: sending push to installations with 1 batches
verbose: Sending push to 1
verbose: _PushStatus Dwh0u3T4Di: sent push! 0 success, 1 failures
verbose: _PushStatus Dwh0u3T4Di: needs cleanup devicesToRemove=[]
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