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Created January 18, 2021 12:05
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ImHex pattern file for quantized-mesh
#pragma MIME application/vnd.quantized-mesh
// This a hex pattern match for ImHex:
// Format:
struct QuantizedMeshHeader
// The center of the tile in Earth-centered Fixed coordinates.
double CenterX;
double CenterY;
double CenterZ;
// The minimum and maximum heights in the area covered by this tile.
// The minimum may be lower and the maximum may be higher than
// the height of any vertex in this tile in the case that the min/max vertex
// was removed during mesh simplification, but these are the appropriate
// values to use for analysis or visualization.
float MinimumHeight;
float MaximumHeight;
// The tile’s bounding sphere. The X,Y,Z coordinates are again expressed
// in Earth-centered Fixed coordinates, and the radius is in meters.
double BoundingSphereCenterX;
double BoundingSphereCenterY;
double BoundingSphereCenterZ;
double BoundingSphereRadius;
// The horizon occlusion point, expressed in the ellipsoid-scaled Earth-centered Fixed frame.
// If this point is below the horizon, the entire tile is below the horizon.
// See for more information.
double HorizonOcclusionPointX;
double HorizonOcclusionPointY;
double HorizonOcclusionPointZ;
struct VertexData
u32 vertexCount;
u16 u[vertexCount];
u16 v[vertexCount];
u16 height[vertexCount];
struct IndexData16
u32 triangleCount;
u16 indices[triangleCount * 3];
struct IndexData32
u32 triangleCount;
u32 indices[triangleCount * 3];
struct EdgeIndices16
u32 westVertexCount;
u16 westIndices[westVertexCount];
u32 southVertexCount;
u16 southIndices[southVertexCount];
u32 eastVertexCount;
u16 eastIndices[eastVertexCount];
u32 northVertexCount;
u16 northIndices[northVertexCount];
struct EdgeIndices32
u32 westVertexCount;
u32 westIndices[westVertexCount];
u32 southVertexCount;
u32 southIndices[southVertexCount];
u32 eastVertexCount;
u32 eastIndices[eastVertexCount];
u32 northVertexCount;
u32 northIndices[northVertexCount];
// Extension data may follow to supplement the quantized-mesh with additional
// information. Each extension begins with an ExtensionHeader, consisting of a
// unique identifier and the size of the extension data in bytes.
struct ExtensionHeader
u8 extensionId;
u32 extensionLength;
// Extension: Oct-Encoded Per-Vertex Normals (id = 1)
struct OctEncodedVertexNormals
u8 xy[vertexCount * 2];
// Extension: Water Mask (id = 2)
struct WaterMaskSingle
u8 mask;
struct WaterMask
u8 mask[256 * 256];
// Extension: Metadata (id = 4)
struct Metadata
u32 jsonLength;
char json[jsonLength];
struct QuantizedMesh
QuantizedMeshHeader header;
VertexData vertices;
if (vertices.vertexCount > 65536)
// Padding may be present to ensure 4 byte alignment for IndexData32.
// Handle padding [TODO]
IndexData32 indices;
EdgeIndices32 edges;
// Padding may be present to ensure 2 byte alignment for IndexData16.
// Handle padding [TODO]
IndexData16 indices;
EdgeIndices16 edges;
// This part repeats until end of file.
ExtensionHeader extension;
if (extension.extensionId == 1)
// Should be the following but not sure how to make the
// vertices.vertexCount accessible from there.
// OctEncodedVertexNormals normals;
u8 xy[vertices.vertexCount * 2];
else if (extension.extensionId == 2)
if (extension.extensionLength == 1)
WaterMaskSingle waterMask;
WaterMask waterMask;
else if (extension.extensionId == 4)
Metadata metadata;
// Skip over the extention we don't understand by going forward
// extension.extensionLength bytes. [TODO]
QuantizedMesh mesh @ 0x00;
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