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Last active December 21, 2015 20:09
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Save doobeh/6359150 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Turn it into a dict...!
"""Usage: <inputxml> -h | --help
import lxml.etree as et
from docopt import docopt
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
env = Environment(loader = FileSystemLoader('./'))
template = env.get_template('template.html')
def make(inFile):
tree = et.parse(inFile)
root = tree.getroot()
filetitle = root.attrib['title']
author = root.attrib['author']
version = root.attrib['version']
categories = []
for category in root:
title = category.attrib['title']
#print title
category_keys = []
for key in category:
text = key.text.encode('utf-8')
description = key.attrib['description']
#print text, description
category_keys.append({'text': text, 'description': description})
my_dictionary = {'title': title, 'keys': category_keys}
with open("./%s.html" % filetitle, 'w' ) as f1:
filetitle = filetitle,
author = author,
version = version,
categories = categories))
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(__doc__)
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" class="no-js">
{% if filetitle %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=1000" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="reset.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="style.css">
<meta name="DC.format" content="text/html">
<meta name="DC.language" content="en">
<script src="js/jquery-1.8.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.isotope.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/site.js"></script>
<body onload="initialize()">
<section id="items">
<div class="box">
<p>by {{ author }}</p>
<small>v{{ version }}</small>
{% for category in categories %}
<caption>{{ category.title }}</caption>
{% for key in category.keys %}
<th>{{ key.text }}</th>
<td>{{ key.description }}</td>
{% endfor %}}
{% endfor %}
<keycommands title="Vim Cheatsheet" author="XedMada" version="1.0">
<category title="Modes">
<key description="insert, start of line">i,I</key>
<key description="append, at end of line">a,A</key>
<key description="new line below, above">o,O</key>
<key description="visual, linewise">v,V</key>
<key description="grid visual selection">⌃v</key>
<category title="Movement">
<key description="left, down, up, right">h,j,k,l</key>
<key description="{start, end} of line">{0,$}</key>
<key description="first non-blank character of line">{^}</key>
<key description="first non-blank {next, previous} line">⏎,</key>
<key description="{start, line x, end} of file">:{0,#,$}</key>
<key description="{next, previous} word">{w,b}</key>
<key description="First, middle, last line of screen">H,M,L</key>
<key description="First, last line of document">gg,G</key>
<key description="matching bracket">%</key>
<category title="Editing">
<key description="replace">r</key>
<key description="change, line">c,cc</key>
<key description="join line with the following">J</key>
<key description="delete &amp; insert">s</key>
<key description="change case, line">~,g~~</key>
<key description="{upper, lower} line">g{UU,uu}</key>
<key description="apply last edit">.</key>
<key description="undo, redo">u,⌃r</key>
<key description="indent line right, left">&gt;&gt;,&lt;&lt;</key>
<key description="auto-indent line">==</key>
<category title="Search &amp; Replace">
<key description="search foo">/foo</key>
<key description="next, previous result">n,?</key>
<key description="substitute bar for foo">%s/foo/bar/</key>
<key description="substitute globally">%s//g</key>
<key description="confirm substitutes">%s//c</key>
<key description="confirm, skip, quit">y,b,q</key>
<key description="matching bracket">%</key>
<key description="find under cursor">*</key>
<category title="Cut &amp; Paste">
<key description="delete, delete line">d,dd</key>
<key description="cut current, previous character">x,X</key>
<key description="yank, line">y,yy</key>
<key description="paste buffer after, before">p,P</key>
<key description="set {#,a} register">&quot;{#,a}k</key>
<key description="retrive {#,a} register">&quot;{#,a}p</key>
<key description="display registers">:reg</key>
<category title="Files">
<key description="foo save Filename">:w</key>
<key description="save and quit">:wq,ZZ</key>
<key description="save as">:saveas</key>
<key description="quit, force">:q,q!</key>
<key description="revert">:e!</key>
<key description="next, previous buffer">:bn,bp</key>
<key description="delete buffer">:bd</key>
<category title="Fuzzyy">
<key description="file">⌘F</key>
<key description="buffer">⌘B</key>
<key description="tag">⌘A</key>
<key description="open in new tab">⌃l</key>
<key description="open in horizontal, vertical split">⌃j,k</key>
<category title="Nerd Tree">
<key description="NERD Tree">,n</key>
<key description="open in new tab, silent">t,T</key>
<key description="open in horizontal, vertical split">i,s</key>
<key description="toggle directory, recursively">o,O</key>
<key description="close parent, children recursively">x,X</key>
<key description="go to parent, root">p,P</key>
<key description="move tree root up a dir">u</key>
<key description="change tree root to current selected">C</key>
<key description="refresh current directory">R</key>
<key description="hidden toggle">I</key>
<key description="file filter, files toggle">f,F</key>
<key description="bookmarks">B</key>
<category title="Environment">
<key description="line wrap">,w</key>
<key description="invisibles">,l</key>
<key description="text size">⌘+,-</key>
<key description="refresh">⌃l</key>
<key description="indent guides">,ig</key>
<category title="Spelling">
<key description="toggle spelling">,s</key>
<key description="show suggestions">z=</key>
<key description="whitelist">zg</key>
<key description="blacklist">zw</key>
<category title="View">
<key description="scroll">??</key>
<key description="scroll forward, backward screen">⌃f,b</key>
<key description="zoom window">,z</key>
<key description="full screen">⌘⏎</key>
<key description="new tab">⌘T</key>
<key description="view tab #">⌘#</key>
<key description="next, previous tab">⌘},{</key>
<key description="make viewports equal">,e</key>
<key description="switch viewsports">⌘hjkl</key>
<key description="cycle viewports">⌃ww</key>
<key description="in/decrease viewport">⌃w +,-</key>
<category title="Folding">
<key description="open fold, all">zo,zR</key>
<key description="close fold, all">zc,zM</key>
<key description="in/decrease fold">zm,r</key>
<key description="fold range #">zf#</key>
<category title="Macros">
<key description="record macro #">q#</key>
<key description="stop recording">q</key>
<key description="run macro #">@#</key>
<category title="Tools">
<key description="HexColors">,h</key>
<key description="show syntax groups">⌃s</key>
<key description="comment line">⌘/</key>
<key description="show hex/ascii">ga</key>
<key description="in/decrement number">⌃a,x</key>
<key description="show syntax name">⌃s</key>
<key description="convert DOS breaks">%s/⌃V⌃M/⌃V⌃M/g</key>
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