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Created September 8, 2015 18:24
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SQLAlchemy bulk updates.
""" Quick example showing how to do a bulk update into the database
using SQLAlchemy, without interacting heavily with the ORM.
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import bindparam
stmt = addresses.update().\
where( == bindparam('_id')).\
'user_id': bindparam('user_id'),
'email_address': bindparam('email_address'),
conn.execute(stmt, [
{'user_id': 1, 'email_address' : '[email protected]', '_id':1},
{'user_id': 1, 'email_address' : '[email protected]', '_id':2},
{'user_id': 2, 'email_address' : '[email protected]', '_id':3},
{'user_id': 2, 'email_address' : '[email protected]', '_id':4},
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Thanks! I made an article based on this example in case someone need help.
How to bulk update in sqlalchemy

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Hi @doobeh are you familiar with bulk_update_mapping.
WDYT compare to this

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