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Last active January 10, 2025 17:12
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  • Save doole/ed09bd1de58a0298e6ab35908f99db3d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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theme = "catppuccin_mocha" # nightfox | dracula | sonokai | tokyonight
line-number = "relative"
cursorline = true
color-modes = true
true-color = true
auto-pairs = true
# auto-format = false
bufferline = "multiple"
# end-of-line-diagnostics = "hint"
# [editor.inline-diagnostics]
# cursor-line = "warning"
render = true
skip-levels = 1
left = ["mode", "spinner", "file-name", "file-modification-indicator"]
center = ["version-control"]
right = [
separator = "│"
display-messages = true
display-inlay-hints = true
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insert = "bar"
normal = "block"
select = "underline"
space = "none"
tab = "all"
newline = "all"
space = "·"
nbsp = "⍽"
tab = "→"
newline = "¬"
# newline = "⏎"
tabpad = "·"
enable = true
max-wrap = 25 # increase value to reduce forced mid-word wrapping
max-indent-retain = 0
A-x = "extend_to_line_bounds"
X = ["extend_line_up", "extend_to_line_bounds"]
A-x = "extend_to_line_bounds"
X = ["extend_line_up", "extend_to_line_bounds"]
name = "ruby"
formatter = { command = "rubocop", args = [
] }
auto-format = false
language-servers = [{ name = "solargraph" }]
config = { diagnostics = true, formatting = false }
name = "javascript"
formatter = { command = 'deno', args = ["fmt", "-", "--ext", "js"] }
auto-format = true
name = "json"
formatter = { command = 'deno', args = ["fmt", "-", "--ext", "json"] }
name = "markdown"
formatter = { command = 'deno', args = ["fmt", "-", "--ext", "md"] }
auto-format = true
name = "typescript"
formatter = { command = 'deno', args = ["fmt", "-", "--ext", "ts"] }
auto-format = true
name = "toml"
formatter = { command = "taplo", args = ["format", "-"] }
auto-format = true
name = "python"
language-servers = ["pylsp"]
formatter = { command = "black", args = ["--quiet", "-"] }
auto-format = true
plugins.ruff.enabled = true = true
format = { enable = true }
validation = true
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