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Last active April 13, 2023 11:25
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  • Save dopry/691e6b21170b55c41768d02dc059c48b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dopry/691e6b21170b55c41768d02dc059c48b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// based on
const fs = require('fs');
const uuid = require('uuid-v4');
const buildMargeInput = (testResults) => {
let elapsed = buildElapsedTime(testResults.testResults);
let testSuites =;
var input = {};
input.stats = {
suites: testResults.numTotalTestSuites,
tests: testResults.numTotalTests,
testsRegistered: testResults.numTotalTests,
passes: testResults.numPassedTests,
pending: testResults.numPendingTests,
failures: testResults.numFailedTests,
start: new Date(testResults.startTime), // Jest does epochs
end: new Date(testResults.startTime + elapsed),
duration: elapsed,
passPercent: testResults.numPassedTests / testResults.numTotalTests * 100,
pendingPercent: testResults.numPendingTests / testResults.numTotalTests * 100,
other: 0,
hasOther: false,
skipped: 0,
hasSkipped: false,
input.results = testSuites;
return input;
function createSuite(suite) {
let id = uuid();
let tests = => {
return createTest(test, id);
let passes = tests.filter(test => test.pass).map(test => test.uuid);
let failures = tests.filter(test => => test.uuid);
let pending = tests.filter(test => test.pending).map(test => test.uuid);
return {
title: suite.testResults[0].ancestorTitles[0],
suites: [],
tests: tests,
pending: pending,
root: false,
uuid: id,
_timeout: 5000,
fullFile: suite.testFilePath,
file: suite.testFilePath.split('/').pop(),
beforeHooks: [],
afterHooks: [],
passes: passes,
failures: failures,
skipped: [],
duration: suite.perfStats.end - suite.perfStats.start
function createTest(test, parentId) {
return {
title: test.title,
fullTitle: fullTitle(test),
timedOut: false,
duration: test.duration,
pass: passed(test),
fail: failed(test),
pending: pending(test),
code: '',
// isRoot: false,
uuid: uuid(),
parentUUID: parentId,
skipped: false,
isHook: false,
err: {}
function passed(test) {
return test.status === 'passed';
function failed(test) {
return test.status === 'failed';
function pending(test) {
return test.status === 'pending';
function fullTitle(test) {
if (test.fullName) {
return test.fullName;
return test.ancestorTitles.reduce((sum, val) => {
sum + val + ' ';
}, '');
function buildElapsedTime(suites) {
return suites.reduce((sum, suite) => {
return sum + suite.testResults.reduce((_sum, test) => {
return _sum + test.duration;
}, 0);
}, 0);
function writeOutput(payload, filepath) {
const json = JSON.stringify(payload);
fs.writeFile(filepath, json, 'utf8', (err) => {
if (err) { throw err; }
console.log('file saved');
* TODO: Extend BaseReporter
class JestMochawesomeReporter { // extends BaseReporter {
constructor(globalConfig, options) {
this._globalConfig = globalConfig
this._options = options
onRunComplete(contexts, results) {
const report = buildMargeInput(results);
writeOutput(report, `${this._globalConfig.rootDir}/jest-mochawesome.json`)
module.exports = JestMochawesomeReporter
module.exports = {
reporters: [
["./jest-mochawesome.js", {}]
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This is great!
Is there an option to get the test code/failureMessages as well?

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This dose not works with @jest/reporters 29.0.3.
As it does not have the method execute(ReporteContext).

          .default.create(reporter, {
            maxCols: process.stdout.columns || Infinity,
          .execute(reportContext); // ERROR: TypeError: _istanbulReports(...).default.create(...).execute is not a function

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