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Last active October 3, 2020 02:57
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Save dosomder/5247062 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
IW4M server patches for increasing of maxclients
// ==========================================================
// IW4M project
// Component: clientdll
// Sub-component: steam_api
// Purpose: Increase maxclient limit - server part.
// Initial author: zxz0O0
// Started: 2013-03-18
// ==========================================================
#include "StdInc.h"
//do not use party system
//by NTA
void PatchPartySystem()
*(short*)0x460D96 = 0x90E9;
*(BYTE*)0x460F0A = 0xEB;
*(BYTE*)0x401CA4 = 0xEB;
*(BYTE*)0x401C15 = 0xEB;
//Increase stack of func to add a char[MAX_CLIENTS]
void Patch_SVSendClientMessages()
//iw4m.exe+517B6 - 83 EC 70 - sub esp,70
BYTE OldArrayOffset = 0x3C; //according to IDA this is the offset of the old char[18] -> so this is now at 0x70
BYTE OldSize = *(BYTE*)0x4517B8; //the old size (0x70)
//we need to increase the stack, but 0x7F is max for 3byte sub
//then again a hook for such a simple patch is a bit overkill, so why not just use some space above the func
*(int*)0x4517B6 = 0x5390EFEB; //jump to our sub esp,.. command above SV_SendClientMessages
*(short*)0x4517A7 = 0xEC81; //sub esp,
*(int*)0x4517A9 = OldSize + MAX_CLIENTS + (4 - (MAX_CLIENTS % 4)); //new stack size - align it to 4bytes
*(short*)0x4517AD = 0x0AEB; //jump back inside SV_SendClientMessages
//iw4m.exe+5181D - 6A 12 - push 12
*(BYTE*)0x45181E = MAX_CLIENTS;
//redirect variables to our new char[MAX_CLIENTS]
//iw4m.exe+5181F - 8D 4C 24 48 - lea ecx,[esp+48]
*(BYTE*)0x451822 = *(BYTE*)0x451822 - OldArrayOffset + OldSize;//because of pushs, the variable might (and IS) not be anymore at esp+3C so get the difference and add it to the new offset (0x70)
//iw4m.exe+51917 - C6 44 2C 44 01 - mov byte ptr [esp+ebp+44],01
*(BYTE*)0x45191A = *(BYTE*)0x45191A - OldArrayOffset + OldSize;
//iw4m.exe+51963 - 80 7C 14 44 00 - cmp byte ptr [esp+edx+44],00
*(BYTE*)0x451966 = *(BYTE*)0x451966 - OldArrayOffset + OldSize;
gclient_t gclients[MAX_CLIENTS];
void Patch_gclient_s()
int SearchFor = gclient_s_start;
SearchAndPatch(&SearchFor, 1, gclient_s_start, (DWORD)gclients);
int clientInfo_t_patches [21] = { 0x1A40008, 0x1A4040C, 0x1A403D0, 0x1A403A0, 0x1A40504,
//Using TLS
0x82988, 0x82DF4, 0x82DF8, 0x82E04, 0x82E0C, 0x82E10, 0x82E14, 0x82E1C, 0x82E24, 0x82E2C, 0x82E30, 0x82E34, 0x82E54, 0x82E5C, 0x82E64, 0x82E7C };
clientInfo_t clientinfo[MAX_CLIENTS];
void Patch_clientInfo_t()
SearchAndPatch(clientInfo_t_patches, 21, clientInfo_t_srv, (DWORD)clientinfo, 0x600000);
//various checks for loops
//iw4m.exe+1E48D3 - 81 FE 1C62A401 - cmp esi,iw4m.exe+164621C
*(int*)0x5E48D5 = sizeof(clientInfo_t) * MAX_CLIENTS + 0x4FC + (DWORD)clientinfo;
//iw4m.exe+1E50C6 - 81 FE 1C62A401 - cmp esi,iw4m.exe+164621C
*(int*)0x5E50C8 = sizeof(clientInfo_t) * MAX_CLIENTS + 0x4FC + (DWORD)clientinfo;
//iw4m_server.exe+FE65E - 81 FD C8D48E00 - cmp ebp,iw4m_server.exe+4ED4C8
*(int*)0x4FE660 = sizeof(clientInfo_t) * MAX_CLIENTS + (DWORD)clientinfo;
//iw4m_server.exe+17FDD1 - 81 FF C8D48E00 - cmp edi,iw4m_server.exe+4ED4C8
*(int*)0x57FDD3 = sizeof(clientInfo_t) * MAX_CLIENTS + (DWORD)clientinfo;
//iw4m_server.exe+F23B8 - 81 FE D4D48E00 - cmp esi,iw4m_server.exe+4ED4D4
*(int*)0x4F23BA = sizeof(clientInfo_t) * MAX_CLIENTS + (DWORD)clientinfo + 0xC;
//iw4m_server.exe+7464F - 81 FE ECD48E00 - cmp esi,iw4m_server.exe+4ED4EC
*(int*)0x474651 = sizeof(clientInfo_t) * MAX_CLIENTS + (DWORD)clientinfo + 0x24;
//iw4m.exe+189E23 - 81 FE C4D98E00 - cmp esi,iw4m.exe+4ED9C4
*(int*)0x589E25 = sizeof(clientInfo_t) * MAX_CLIENTS + (DWORD)clientinfo + 0x4FC;
//iw4m.exe+189E86 - 81 FE C4D98E00 - cmp esi,iw4m.exe+4ED9C4
*(int*)0x589E88 = sizeof(clientInfo_t) * MAX_CLIENTS + (DWORD)clientinfo + 0x4FC;
int client_s_patches [14] = { 0x31D9390, 0x31D93A0, 0x31D93B8, 0x31D99EC, 0x31FA204, 0x31FA630, 0x31FA634, 0x31FA648, 0x31FA658, 0x321AE6C, 0x321AE80,
0x321AE88, 0x321AE8D, 0x321D289, };
client_t clients[MAX_CLIENTS];
void Patch_client_s()
SearchAndPatch(client_s_patches, 14, client_s_start, (DWORD)clients);
//check other code for offsets to client_s
int clientCompressionData_patches [3] = { 0x62C8228, 0x62C8248, 0x62C8268 };
clientCompressionData cCompressionData[MAX_CLIENTS];
void Patch_clientCompressionData()
SearchAndPatch(clientCompressionData_patches, 3, clientCompressionData_start, (DWORD)cCompressionData, 0x600000);
/*AntilagClientStore acs;
void __declspec(naked) AntiLagPtrPatch()
push eax
//get return address
mov eax,[esp+4]
cmp eax,0x4C112C
jne Restore
//from G_AntiLagRewindClientPos
lea eax,[esp+0x1DC]
lea edi,acs
mov [eax],ebx
pop eax
//from G_AntiLag_RestoreClientPos
//store return address
mov [esp],eax
lea eax,acs
//later used as argument
mov [esp+4],ebx
lea ebx,[esp+0xC]
mov [ebx],eax
void AntiLagPatches()
//Those AntiLag functions require very much fixing
//In IW3 they are skipped if g_antilag == 0
//for now just ret
*(BYTE*)0x4C1120 = 0xC3;
*(BYTE*)0x440040 = 0xC3;
/*(int*)0x4C1122 = MAX_CLIENTS * sizeof(float) * 3 + 0xF8 - 0x8; // * 3 because vector
*(int*)0x4C12A7 = MAX_CLIENTS * sizeof(float) * 3 + 0xF8 - 0x8;
*(int*)0x455C65 = MAX_CLIENTS * sizeof(float) * 3;
//size for memset
*(int*)0x4C112F = sizeof(AntilagClientStore);
//offset from realClientPositions[0][0] to unk[0][2]
int rCPSize = sizeof(acs.realClientPositions);
//also need to patch at 004C1178 and 004C1233
*(BYTE*)0x44004D = 0xE8;
*(int*)0x44004E = (int)&AntiLagPtrPatch - 0x440052;
*(int*)0x440067 = rCPSize + 0x8;
*(int*)0x440077 = -rCPSize - 0x8;
*(int*)0x440087 = -rCPSize - 0x4;
*(int*)0x440090 = -rCPSize;
*(BYTE*)0x4C1127 = 0xE8;
*(int*)0x4C1128 = (int)&AntiLagPtrPatch - 0x4C112C;
*(short*)0x4C112C = (short)0x9090;
*(int*)0x4C11AB = rCPSize + 0x8;
*(int*)0x4C11F8 = -rCPSize - 0x8;
*(int*)0x4C1202 = -rCPSize - 0x4;
*(int*)0x4C120A = -rCPSize;*/
void PatchMW2_MaxclientsServer()
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