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Created July 10, 2009 14:31
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add toggle button near by pager
// ==UserScript==
// @name KomachiOwnersComments
// @namespace
// @include*
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
var state = 'v';
var _CNT = {
'v': '<img height="12" border="0" width="12" src="/g1/ic_minus.gif" style="visibility: visible;"/>トピ主以外のレスの本文を隠す',
'h': '<img height="12" border="0" width="12" src="/g1/ic_plus.gif" style="visibility: visible;"/>トピ主以外のレスの本文も表示する'
.after('<div class="allresdisp">'
+ '<div id=\"hidewithoutowner\" style=\"width:20em;\">'
+ '<span style="background-position: right 2px; color: rgb(0, 0, 170);">'
+ _CNT[state] +'</span></div></div>');
var reslist = $('table.reslist');
function() {
state = (state == 'v') ? 'h' : 'v';
$('tr:not(:has(td.poster strong)):has(td.poster) + tr:has(td.resbody)').find('div.inr').toggle();
$('#hidewithoutowner span').html(_CNT[state]);
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