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namespace Xamarin.Forms
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.BackButtonBehavior : BindableObject
        public BackButtonBehavior();
        public ICommand Command { get; set;  }
        public object CommandParameter { get; set;  }
        public ImageSource IconOverride { get; set;  }
        public bool IsEnabled { get; set;  }
        public string TextOverride { get; set;  }
        public BindableProperty CommandParameterProperty
        public BindableProperty CommandProperty
        public BindableProperty IconOverrideProperty
        public BindableProperty IsEnabledProperty
        public BindableProperty TextOverrideProperty
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.BaseShellItem : NavigableElement
        public BaseShellItem();
        public ImageSource FlyoutIcon { get; set;  }
        public ImageSource Icon { get; set;  }
        public bool IsChecked { get;  }
        public bool IsEnabled { get; set;  }
        public string Route { get; set;  }
        public string Title { get; set;  }
        public BindableProperty FlyoutIconProperty
        public BindableProperty IconProperty
        public BindableProperty IsCheckedProperty
        public BindableProperty IsEnabledProperty
        public BindableProperty TitleProperty
    public static class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.BindableLayout
        public IEnumerable GetItemsSource(BindableObject b);
        public DataTemplate GetItemTemplate(BindableObject b);
        public DataTemplateSelector GetItemTemplateSelector(BindableObject b);
        public SetItemsSource(BindableObject b, IEnumerable value);
        public SetItemTemplate(BindableObject b, DataTemplate value);
        public SetItemTemplateSelector(BindableObject b, DataTemplateSelector value);
        public BindableProperty ItemsSourceProperty
        public BindableProperty ItemTemplateProperty
        public BindableProperty ItemTemplateSelectorProperty
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.CarouselView : ItemsView
        public CarouselView();
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.CollectionView : SelectableItemsView
        public CollectionView();
        public VerifyCollectionViewFlagEnabled(string constructorHint = null, string memberName = );
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.DataTemplate : IDataTemplateController
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Editor
        public bool IsTextPredictionEnabled { get; set;  }
        public BindableProperty IsTextPredictionEnabledProperty
    public static class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.EffectiveVisualExtensions
        public bool IsDefault(IVisual visual);
        public bool IsMatchParent(IVisual visual);
        public bool IsMaterial(IVisual visual);
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Element
        public IPlatform Platform { get; set;  }
        public EventHandler PlatformSet
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.FlyoutBehavior : Enum
        public FlyoutBehavior Disabled
        public FlyoutBehavior Flyout
        public FlyoutBehavior Locked
        public int value__
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.FlyoutDisplayOptions : Enum
        public FlyoutDisplayOptions AsMultipleItems
        public FlyoutDisplayOptions AsSingleItem
        public int value__
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.FlyoutHeaderBehavior : Enum
        public FlyoutHeaderBehavior CollapseOnScroll
        public FlyoutHeaderBehavior Default
        public FlyoutHeaderBehavior Fixed
        public FlyoutHeaderBehavior Scroll
        public int value__
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.GridItemsLayout : ItemsLayout
        public GridItemsLayout(ItemsLayoutOrientation orientation);
        public GridItemsLayout(int span, ItemsLayoutOrientation orientation);
        public int Span { get; set;  }
        public BindableProperty SpanProperty
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.HandlerAttribute
        protected HandlerAttribute(Type handler, Type target, Type[] supportedVisuals = null);
        protected HandlerAttribute(Type handler, Type target);
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IAppearanceObserver
        OnAppearanceChanged(ShellAppearance appearance);
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IElementController
        IPlatform Platform { get; set;  }
        EventHandler PlatformSet
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IFlyoutBehaviorObserver
        OnFlyoutBehaviorChanged(FlyoutBehavior behavior);
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IItemsLayout
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IMenuItemController
        string IsEnabledPropertyName { get;  }
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IPageController : IElementController, IVisualElementController
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IQueryAttributable
        ApplyQueryAttributes(IDictionary query);
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IScrollViewController
        Rectangle LayoutAreaOverride { get; set;  }
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ISearchHandlerController
        IReadOnlyList ListProxy { get;  }
        ItemSelected(object obj);
        EventHandler ListProxyChanged
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IShellAppearanceElement
        Color EffectiveTabBarBackgroundColor { get;  }
        Color EffectiveTabBarDisabledColor { get;  }
        Color EffectiveTabBarForegroundColor { get;  }
        Color EffectiveTabBarTitleColor { get;  }
        Color EffectiveTabBarUnselectedColor { get;  }
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IShellContentController : IElementController
        Page Page { get;  }
        Page GetOrCreateContent();
        RecyclePage(Page page);
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IShellContentInsetObserver
        OnInsetChanged(Thickness inset, double tabThickness);
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IShellController : IPageController, IVisualElementController, IElementController
        View FlyoutHeader { get;  }
        AddAppearanceObserver(IAppearanceObserver observer, Element pivot);
        AddFlyoutBehaviorObserver(IFlyoutBehaviorObserver observer);
        AppearanceChanged(Element source, bool appearanceSet);
        List> GenerateFlyoutGrouping();
        ShellNavigationState GetNavigationState(ShellItem shellItem, ShellSection shellSection, ShellContent shellContent, bool includeStack = True);
        OnFlyoutItemSelected(Element element);
        bool ProposeNavigation(ShellNavigationSource source, ShellItem item, ShellSection shellSection, ShellContent shellContent, IReadOnlyList stack, bool canCancel);
        bool RemoveAppearanceObserver(IAppearanceObserver observer);
        bool RemoveFlyoutBehaviorObserver(IFlyoutBehaviorObserver observer);
        UpdateCurrentState(ShellNavigationSource source);
        EventHandler HeaderChanged
        EventHandler StructureChanged
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IShellItemController : IElementController
        Task GoToPart(List parts, Dictionary queryData);
        bool ProposeSection(ShellSection shellSection, bool setValue = True);
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IShellSectionController : IElementController
        Page PresentedPage { get;  }
        AddContentInsetObserver(IShellContentInsetObserver observer);
        AddDisplayedPageObserver(object observer, Action callback);
        Task GoToPart(List parts, Dictionary queryData);
        bool RemoveContentInsetObserver(IShellContentInsetObserver observer);
        bool RemoveDisplayedPageObserver(object observer);
        SendInsetChanged(Thickness inset, double tabThickness);
        EventHandler NavigationRequested
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ITableModel
        Color GetSectionTextColor(int section);
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ItemsLayout : BindableObject, IItemsLayout
        protected ItemsLayout(ItemsLayoutOrientation orientation);
        public ItemsLayoutOrientation Orientation { get;  }
        public SnapPointsAlignment SnapPointsAlignment { get; set;  }
        public SnapPointsType SnapPointsType { get; set;  }
        public BindableProperty SnapPointsAlignmentProperty
        public BindableProperty SnapPointsTypeProperty
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ItemsLayoutOrientation : Enum
        public ItemsLayoutOrientation Horizontal
        public int value__
        public ItemsLayoutOrientation Vertical
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ItemsView : View
        protected ItemsView();
        public object EmptyView { get; set;  }
        public DataTemplate EmptyViewTemplate { get; set;  }
        public IItemsLayout ItemsLayout { get; set;  }
        public IEnumerable ItemsSource { get; set;  }
        public DataTemplate ItemTemplate { get; set;  }
        protected OnScrollToRequested(ScrollToRequestEventArgs e);
        public ScrollTo(int index, int groupIndex = -1, ScrollToPosition position = 0, bool animate = True);
        public ScrollTo(object item, object group = null, ScrollToPosition position = 0, bool animate = True);
        public EventHandler ScrollToRequested
        public BindableProperty EmptyViewProperty
        public BindableProperty EmptyViewTemplateProperty
        public BindableProperty ItemsLayoutProperty
        public BindableProperty ItemsSourceProperty
        public BindableProperty ItemTemplateProperty
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.IVisual
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ListItemsLayout : ItemsLayout
        public ListItemsLayout(ItemsLayoutOrientation orientation);
        public IItemsLayout HorizontalList
        public IItemsLayout VerticalList
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ListProxyChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
        public ListProxyChangedEventArgs(IReadOnlyCollection oldList, IReadOnlyCollection newList);
        public IReadOnlyCollection NewList { get;  }
        public IReadOnlyCollection OldList { get;  }
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ListView
        public ScrollBarVisibility HorizontalScrollBarVisibility { get; set;  }
        public Color RefreshControlColor { get; set;  }
        public ScrollBarVisibility VerticalScrollBarVisibility { get; set;  }
        public BindableProperty HorizontalScrollBarVisibilityProperty
        public BindableProperty RefreshControlColorProperty
        public BindableProperty VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.MenuItem
        public string IsEnabledPropertyName { get;  }
        public Activate();
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.MenuItemCollection
        public MenuItemCollection();
        public int Count { get;  }
        public bool IsReadOnly { get;  }
        public Add(MenuItem item);
        public Clear();
        public bool Contains(MenuItem item);
        public CopyTo(MenuItem[] array, int arrayIndex);
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
        public int IndexOf(MenuItem item);
        public Insert(int index, MenuItem item);
        public bool Remove(MenuItem item);
        public RemoveAt(int index);
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.MenuShellItem : ShellItem
        public MenuItem MenuItem { get;  }
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.NavigableElement : Element, INavigationProxy
        public IList class { get; set;  }
        public INavigation Navigation { get;  }
        public NavigationProxy NavigationProxy { get;  }
        public Style Style { get; set;  }
        public IList StyleClass { get; set;  }
        public BindableProperty NavigationProperty
        public BindableProperty StyleProperty
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Page : IElementController, IVisualElementController
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.QueryPropertyAttribute : Attribute
        public QueryPropertyAttribute(string name, string queryId);
        public string Name { get;  }
        public string QueryId { get;  }
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.RenderWithAttribute
        public RenderWithAttribute(Type type, Type[] supportedVisuals);
        public Type[] SupportedVisuals { get;  }
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.RouteFactory
        protected RouteFactory();
        public Element GetOrCreate();
    public static class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Routing
        public Element GetOrCreateContent(string route);
        public string GetRoute(Element obj);
        public RegisterRoute(string route, RouteFactory factory);
        public RegisterRoute(string route, Type type);
        public SetRoute(Element obj, string value);
        public BindableProperty RouteProperty
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ScrollToRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
        public ScrollToRequestEventArgs(int index, int groupIndex, ScrollToPosition scrollToPosition, bool isAnimated);
        public ScrollToRequestEventArgs(object item, object group, ScrollToPosition scrollToPosition, bool isAnimated);
        public object Group { get;  }
        public int GroupIndex { get;  }
        public int Index { get;  }
        public bool IsAnimated { get;  }
        public object Item { get;  }
        public ScrollToMode Mode { get;  }
        public ScrollToPosition ScrollToPosition { get;  }
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ScrollView
        public Rectangle LayoutAreaOverride { get; set;  }
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.SearchBoxVisiblity : Enum
        public SearchBoxVisiblity Collapsable
        public SearchBoxVisiblity Expanded
        public SearchBoxVisiblity Hidden
        public int value__
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.SearchHandler : BindableObject, ISearchHandlerController
        public SearchHandler();
        public ImageSource ClearIcon { get; set;  }
        public string ClearIconHelpText { get; set;  }
        public string ClearIconName { get; set;  }
        public ICommand ClearPlaceholderCommand { get; set;  }
        public object ClearPlaceholderCommandParameter { get; set;  }
        public bool ClearPlaceholderEnabled { get; set;  }
        public string ClearPlaceholderHelpText { get; set;  }
        public ImageSource ClearPlaceholderIcon { get; set;  }
        public string ClearPlaceholderName { get; set;  }
        public ICommand Command { get; set;  }
        public object CommandParameter { get; set;  }
        public string DisplayMemberName { get; set;  }
        public bool IsSearchEnabled { get; set;  }
        public IEnumerable ItemsSource { get; set;  }
        public DataTemplate ItemTemplate { get; set;  }
        public string Placeholder { get; set;  }
        public string Query { get; set;  }
        public ImageSource QueryIcon { get; set;  }
        public string QueryIconHelpText { get; set;  }
        public string QueryIconName { get; set;  }
        public SearchBoxVisiblity SearchBoxVisibility { get; set;  }
        public bool ShowsResults { get; set;  }
        protected OnClearPlaceholderClicked();
        protected OnItemSelected(object item);
        protected OnQueryChanged(string oldValue, string newValue);
        protected OnQueryConfirmed();
        public BindableProperty ClearIconHelpTextProperty
        public BindableProperty ClearIconNameProperty
        public BindableProperty ClearIconProperty
        public BindableProperty ClearPlaceholderCommandParameterProperty
        public BindableProperty ClearPlaceholderCommandProperty
        public BindableProperty ClearPlaceholderEnabledProperty
        public BindableProperty ClearPlaceholderHelpTextProperty
        public BindableProperty ClearPlaceholderIconProperty
        public BindableProperty ClearPlaceholderNameProperty
        public BindableProperty CommandParameterProperty
        public BindableProperty CommandProperty
        public BindableProperty DisplayMemberNameProperty
        public BindableProperty IsSearchEnabledProperty
        public BindableProperty ItemsSourceProperty
        public BindableProperty ItemTemplateProperty
        public BindableProperty PlaceholderProperty
        public BindableProperty QueryIconHelpTextProperty
        public BindableProperty QueryIconNameProperty
        public BindableProperty QueryIconProperty
        public BindableProperty QueryProperty
        public BindableProperty SearchBoxVisibilityProperty
        public BindableProperty ShowsResultsProperty
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.SelectableItemsView : ItemsView
        public SelectableItemsView();
        public object SelectedItem { get; set;  }
        public ICommand SelectionChangedCommand { get; set;  }
        public object SelectionChangedCommandParameter { get; set;  }
        public SelectionMode SelectionMode { get; set;  }
        protected OnSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs args);
        public EventHandler SelectionChanged
        public BindableProperty SelectedItemProperty
        public BindableProperty SelectionChangedCommandParameterProperty
        public BindableProperty SelectionChangedCommandProperty
        public BindableProperty SelectionModeProperty
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.SelectionChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
        public IReadOnlyList CurrentSelection { get;  }
        public IReadOnlyList PreviousSelection { get;  }
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.SelectionMode : Enum
        public SelectionMode Multiple
        public SelectionMode None
        public SelectionMode Single
        public int value__
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Shell : Page, IShellController, IPageController, IVisualElementController, IElementController
        public Shell();
        public ShellItem CurrentItem { get; set;  }
        public Shell CurrentShell { get;  }
        public ShellNavigationState CurrentState { get;  }
        public Color FlyoutBackgroundColor { get; set;  }
        public FlyoutBehavior FlyoutBehavior { get; set;  }
        public object FlyoutHeader { get; set;  }
        public FlyoutHeaderBehavior FlyoutHeaderBehavior { get; set;  }
        public DataTemplate FlyoutHeaderTemplate { get; set;  }
        public bool FlyoutIsPresented { get; set;  }
        public DataTemplate GroupHeaderTemplate { get; set;  }
        public ShellItemCollection Items { get;  }
        public DataTemplate ItemTemplate { get; set;  }
        public MenuItemCollection MenuItems { get;  }
        public DataTemplate MenuItemTemplate { get; set;  }
        public string Route { get; set;  }
        public string RouteHost { get; set;  }
        public string RouteScheme { get; set;  }
        public BackButtonBehavior GetBackButtonBehavior(BindableObject obj);
        public FlyoutBehavior GetFlyoutBehavior(BindableObject obj);
        public bool GetNavBarIsVisible(BindableObject obj);
        public SearchHandler GetSearchHandler(BindableObject obj);
        public bool GetSetPaddingInsets(BindableObject obj);
        public Color GetShellBackgroundColor(BindableObject obj);
        public Color GetShellDisabledColor(BindableObject obj);
        public Color GetShellForegroundColor(BindableObject obj);
        public Color GetShellTabBarBackgroundColor(BindableObject obj);
        public Color GetShellTabBarDisabledColor(BindableObject obj);
        public Color GetShellTabBarForegroundColor(BindableObject obj);
        public Color GetShellTabBarTitleColor(BindableObject obj);
        public Color GetShellTabBarUnselectedColor(BindableObject obj);
        public Color GetShellTitleColor(BindableObject obj);
        public Color GetShellUnselectedColor(BindableObject obj);
        public bool GetTabBarIsVisible(BindableObject obj);
        public View GetTitleView(BindableObject obj);
        public Task GoToAsync(ShellNavigationState state, bool animate = True);
        protected OnNavigated(ShellNavigatedEventArgs args);
        protected OnNavigating(ShellNavigatingEventArgs args);
        public SetBackButtonBehavior(BindableObject obj, BackButtonBehavior behavior);
        public SetFlyoutBehavior(BindableObject obj, FlyoutBehavior value);
        public SetNavBarIsVisible(BindableObject obj, bool value);
        public SetSearchHandler(BindableObject obj, SearchHandler handler);
        public SetSetPaddingInsets(BindableObject obj, bool value);
        public SetShellBackgroundColor(BindableObject obj, Color value);
        public SetShellDisabledColor(BindableObject obj, Color value);
        public SetShellForegroundColor(BindableObject obj, Color value);
        public SetShellTabBarBackgroundColor(BindableObject obj, Color value);
        public SetShellTabBarDisabledColor(BindableObject obj, Color value);
        public SetShellTabBarForegroundColor(BindableObject obj, Color value);
        public SetShellTabBarTitleColor(BindableObject obj, Color value);
        public SetShellTabBarUnselectedColor(BindableObject obj, Color value);
        public SetShellTitleColor(BindableObject obj, Color value);
        public SetShellUnselectedColor(BindableObject obj, Color value);
        public SetTabBarIsVisible(BindableObject obj, bool value);
        public SetTitleView(BindableObject obj, View value);
        public EventHandler Navigated
        public EventHandler Navigating
        public BindableProperty BackButtonBehaviorProperty
        public BindableProperty CurrentItemProperty
        public BindableProperty CurrentStateProperty
        public BindableProperty FlyoutBackgroundColorProperty
        public BindableProperty FlyoutBehaviorProperty
        public BindableProperty FlyoutHeaderBehaviorProperty
        public BindableProperty FlyoutHeaderProperty
        public BindableProperty FlyoutHeaderTemplateProperty
        public BindableProperty FlyoutIsPresentedProperty
        public BindableProperty GroupHeaderTemplateProperty
        public BindableProperty ItemsProperty
        public BindableProperty ItemTemplateProperty
        public BindableProperty MenuItemsProperty
        public BindableProperty MenuItemTemplateProperty
        public BindableProperty NavBarIsVisibleProperty
        public BindableProperty SearchHandlerProperty
        public BindableProperty SetPaddingInsetsProperty
        public BindableProperty ShellBackgroundColorProperty
        public BindableProperty ShellDisabledColorProperty
        public BindableProperty ShellForegroundColorProperty
        public BindableProperty ShellTabBarBackgroundColorProperty
        public BindableProperty ShellTabBarDisabledColorProperty
        public BindableProperty ShellTabBarForegroundColorProperty
        public BindableProperty ShellTabBarTitleColorProperty
        public BindableProperty ShellTabBarUnselectedColorProperty
        public BindableProperty ShellTitleColorProperty
        public BindableProperty ShellUnselectedColorProperty
        public BindableProperty TabBarIsVisibleProperty
        public BindableProperty TitleViewProperty
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ShellAppearance : IShellAppearanceElement
        public Color BackgroundColor { get;  }
        public Color DisabledColor { get;  }
        public Color ForegroundColor { get;  }
        public Color TabBarBackgroundColor { get;  }
        public Color TabBarDisabledColor { get;  }
        public Color TabBarForegroundColor { get;  }
        public Color TabBarTitleColor { get;  }
        public Color TabBarUnselectedColor { get;  }
        public Color TitleColor { get;  }
        public Color UnselectedColor { get;  }
        public bool Ingest(Element pivot);
        public MakeComplete();
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ShellContent : BaseShellItem, IShellContentController, IElementController
        public ShellContent();
        public object Content { get; set;  }
        public DataTemplate ContentTemplate { get; set;  }
        public MenuItemCollection MenuItems { get;  }
        public BindableProperty ContentProperty
        public BindableProperty ContentTemplateProperty
        public BindableProperty MenuItemsProperty
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ShellContentCollection
        public ShellContentCollection();
        public int Count { get;  }
        public bool IsReadOnly { get;  }
        public Add(ShellContent item);
        public Clear();
        public bool Contains(ShellContent item);
        public CopyTo(ShellContent[] array, int arrayIndex);
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
        public int IndexOf(ShellContent item);
        public Insert(int index, ShellContent item);
        public bool Remove(ShellContent item);
        public RemoveAt(int index);
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ShellGroupItem : BaseShellItem
        public ShellGroupItem();
        public FlyoutDisplayOptions FlyoutDisplayOptions { get; set;  }
        public BindableProperty FlyoutDisplayOptionsProperty
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ShellItem : ShellGroupItem, IShellItemController, IElementController, IElementConfiguration
        public ShellItem();
        public ShellSection CurrentItem { get; set;  }
        public ShellSectionCollection Items { get;  }
        public IPlatformElementConfiguration On<T>();
        public BindableProperty CurrentItemProperty
        public BindableProperty ItemsProperty
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ShellItemCollection
        public ShellItemCollection();
        public int Count { get;  }
        public bool IsReadOnly { get;  }
        public Add(ShellItem item);
        public Clear();
        public bool Contains(ShellItem item);
        public CopyTo(ShellItem[] array, int arrayIndex);
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
        public int IndexOf(ShellItem item);
        public Insert(int index, ShellItem item);
        public bool Remove(ShellItem item);
        public RemoveAt(int index);
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ShellNavigatedEventArgs : EventArgs
        public ShellNavigatedEventArgs(ShellNavigationState previous, ShellNavigationState current, ShellNavigationSource source);
        public ShellNavigationState Current { get;  }
        public ShellNavigationState Previous { get;  }
        public ShellNavigationSource Source { get;  }
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ShellNavigatingEventArgs : EventArgs
        public ShellNavigatingEventArgs(ShellNavigationState current, ShellNavigationState target, ShellNavigationSource source, bool canCancel);
        public bool CanCancel { get;  }
        public bool Cancelled { get;  }
        public ShellNavigationState Current { get;  }
        public ShellNavigationSource Source { get;  }
        public ShellNavigationState Target { get;  }
        public bool Cancel();
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ShellNavigationSource : Enum
        public ShellNavigationSource Insert
        public ShellNavigationSource Pop
        public ShellNavigationSource PopToRoot
        public ShellNavigationSource Push
        public ShellNavigationSource Remove
        public ShellNavigationSource ShellContentChanged
        public ShellNavigationSource ShellItemChanged
        public ShellNavigationSource ShellSectionChanged
        public ShellNavigationSource Unknown
        public int value__
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ShellNavigationState
        public ShellNavigationState();
        public ShellNavigationState(string location);
        public ShellNavigationState(Uri location);
        public Uri Location { get; set;  }
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ShellSection : ShellGroupItem, IShellSectionController, IElementController
        public ShellSection();
        public ShellContent CurrentItem { get; set;  }
        public ShellContentCollection Items { get;  }
        public IReadOnlyList Stack { get;  }
        protected IReadOnlyList GetNavigationStack();
        public Task GoToAsync(List routes, IDictionary queryData, bool animate);
        protected OnInsertPageBefore(Page page, Page before);
        protected Task OnPopAsync(bool animated);
        protected Task OnPopToRootAsync(bool animated);
        protected Task OnPushAsync(Page page, bool animated);
        protected OnRemovePage(Page page);
        public BindableProperty CurrentItemProperty
        public BindableProperty ItemsProperty

        public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.NavigationImpl : NavigationProxy
            public NavigationImpl(ShellSection owner);
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ShellSectionCollection
        public ShellSectionCollection();
        public int Count { get;  }
        public bool IsReadOnly { get;  }
        public Add(ShellSection item);
        public Clear();
        public bool Contains(ShellSection item);
        public CopyTo(ShellSection[] array, int arrayIndex);
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
        public int IndexOf(ShellSection item);
        public Insert(int index, ShellSection item);
        public bool Remove(ShellSection item);
        public RemoveAt(int index);
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.SnapPointsAlignment : Enum
        public SnapPointsAlignment Center
        public SnapPointsAlignment End
        public SnapPointsAlignment Start
        public int value__
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.SnapPointsType : Enum
        public SnapPointsType Mandatory
        public SnapPointsType MandatorySingle
        public SnapPointsType None
        public int value__
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.SwitchCell
        public Color OnColor { get; set;  }
        public BindableProperty OnColorProperty
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.TableSectionBase : TableSectionBase
        protected TableSectionBase();
        protected TableSectionBase(string title);
        protected TableSectionBase();
        protected TableSectionBase(string title);
        public int Count { get;  }
        public Color TextColor { get; set;  }
        public string Title { get; set;  }
        public Add(T item);
        public Add(IEnumerable items);
        public Clear();
        public bool Contains(T item);
        public CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex);
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
        public int IndexOf(T item);
        public Insert(int index, T item);
        public bool Remove(T item);
        public RemoveAt(int index);
        public NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged
        public BindableProperty TextColorProperty
        public BindableProperty TitleProperty
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.ToolbarItem
        public ToolbarItem(string text, string icon, Action activated, ToolbarItemOrder order = 0, int priority = 0);
        public ToolbarItem(string name, string icon, Action activated, ToolbarItemOrder order = 0, int priority = 0);
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement : Element
        public INavigation Navigation { get;  }
        public NavigationProxy NavigationProxy { get;  }
        public IVisual Visual { get; set;  }
        public VerifyVisualFlagEnabled(string constructorHint = null, string memberName = );
        public BindableProperty NavigationProperty
        public BindableProperty StyleProperty
        public BindableProperty VisualProperty
    public static class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.VisualMarker
        public IVisual Default { get;  }
        public IVisual MatchParent { get;  }
        public IVisual Material { get;  }
    public static class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.VisualRendererMarker

        public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Default : IVisual
        public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Material : IVisual
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.VisualTypeConverter : TypeConverter
        public VisualTypeConverter();
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute : Attribute
        public XmlnsDefinitionAttribute(string xmlNamespace, string clrNamespace);
        public string AssemblyName { get; set;  }
        public string ClrNamespace { get;  }
        public string XmlNamespace { get;  }
namespace Xamarin.Forms.Internals
    public static class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Internals.EffectUtilities
        public UnregisterEffectControlProvider(IEffectControlProvider self, IElementController element);
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Internals.IDataTemplateController
        int Id { get;  }
        string IdString { get;  }
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Internals.INavigationProxy
        NavigationProxy NavigationProxy { get;  }
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Internals.IPlatform { ... }
    public interface Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Internals.IPlatformServices
        SizeRequest GetNativeSize(VisualElement view, double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint);
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Internals.NavigationRequestedEventArgs
        public NavigationRequestedEventArgs(Page page, bool animated);
        public NavigationRequestedEventArgs(Page page, bool animated, bool realize = True);
        public bool Realize { get; set;  }
        public NavigationRequestType RequestType { get; set;  }
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Internals.NavigationRequestType : Enum
        public NavigationRequestType Insert
        public NavigationRequestType Pop
        public NavigationRequestType PopToRoot
        public NavigationRequestType Push
        public NavigationRequestType Remove
        public NavigationRequestType Unknown
        public int value__
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Internals.Registrar
        public Type GetHandlerType(Type viewType, Type visualType);
        public Register(Type tview, Type trender, Type[] supportedVisuals);
    public static class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Internals.ResourceLoader
        public Func ResourceProvider2 { get;  }
        public bool CanProvideContentFor(ResourceLoadingQuery rlq);

        public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Internals.ResourceLoadingQuery
            public ResourceLoadingQuery();
            public AssemblyName AssemblyName { get; set;  }
            public string ResourcePath { get; set;  }
        public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Internals.ResourceLoadingResponse
            public ResourceLoadingResponse();
            public string ResourceContent { get; set;  }
            public bool UseDesignProperties { get; set;  }
    public class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Internals.TableModel
        public Color GetSectionTextColor(int section);
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Internals.TypedBinding
        public TypedBinding( getter, Action setter, Tuple, String>[] handlers);
namespace Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific
    public static class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.ShellItem
namespace Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.WindowsSpecific
    public static class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.WindowsSpecific.Page
        public bool GetToolbarDynamicOverflowEnabled(IPlatformElementConfiguration config);
        public bool GetToolbarDynamicOverflowEnabled(BindableObject element);
        public IPlatformElementConfiguration SetToolbarDynamicOverflowEnabled(IPlatformElementConfiguration config, bool value);
        public SetToolbarDynamicOverflowEnabled(BindableObject element, bool value);
        public BindableProperty ToolbarDynamicOverflowEnabledProperty
namespace Xamarin.Forms.Xaml
    public sealed class Xamarin.Xamarin.Forms.Xamarin.Forms.Xaml.DataTemplateExtension : IMarkupExtension, IMarkupExtension
        public DataTemplateExtension();
        public string TypeName { get; set;  }
        public DataTemplate ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider);
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