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MSBuild Cheat Sheet
<Project xmlns="">
How to define a variable.
Just stick a new node in a property group.
<!-- This node in a property group will define a variable -->
<TestVariable>Test Variable Value</TestVariable>
<!-- Adding a condition, which checks if the variable is already defined,
will allow you to override the variable in projects.
If the variable is not defined, it will evaulate to an empty string
within the condition and be set with the value defined here.-->
<TestVariableWithOverride Condition="'$(TestVariableWithOverride)' == ''">Test override.</TestVariableWithOverride>
<Target Name="main" DependsOnTargets="PrintMyVariables;PrintMSBuildVariables;Conditions;PrintPropertyFunctions;PrintOutBatching">
<!-- Msbuild will process the first target in the file by default.
By creating this target, and making it depend on the two following targets,
we can ensure that they will all be executed
How to print a message.
<Target Name="PrintMyVariables">
<!-- Prints a basic message -->
<Message Text="Here is my message.."></Message>
<!-- Message importance. How messages are shown can change with the logger being used.
These examples use the default console logger.-->
<!-- Shows with atleast (Normal) verbosity -->
<Message Text="Low importance" Importance="Low" />
<!-- Shows with atleast (Normal) verbosity -->
<Message Text="Normal importance (This is the default)" Importance="Normal" />
<!-- Shows with atleast (Minimal) verbosity -->
<Message Text="High importance" Importance="High" />
<!-- Interpolates the value of the test variable into the string. -->
<Message Text="My test variable: $(TestVariable)" />
Standard msbuild variables.
<Target Name="PrintMSBuildVariables">
<Message Text="MSBuildAssemblyVersion -> '$(MSBuildAssemblyVersion)' " />
<!-- The absolute path of the folder where the MSBuild binaries that are currently being used are located -->
<Message Text="MSBuildBinPath -> '$(MSBuildBinPath)' " />
<!-- The path of the MSBuild subfolder under the \Program Files or \Program Files (x86) folder.
This path always points to the 32-bit \Program Files folder on a 32-bit machine and \Program Files (x86)
on a 64-bit machine. These two properties are the same-->
<Message Text="MSBuildExtensionsPath -> '$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildExtensionsPath32 -> '$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)' " />
<!-- The path of the MSBuild subfolder under the \Program Files folder.
For a 64-bit machine, this path always points to the \Program Files folder.
For a 32-bit machine, this path is blank. -->
<Message Text="MSBuildExtensionsPath64 -> '$(MSBuildExtensionsPath64)' " />
<!-- Paths to the .net framework folders, if they are installed -->
<Message Text="MSBuildFrameworkToolsPath -> '$(MSBuildFrameworkToolsPath)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildFrameworkToolsPath32 -> '$(MSBuildFrameworkToolsPath32)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildFrameworkToolsPath64 -> '$(MSBuildFrameworkToolsPath64)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildFrameworkToolsRoot -> '$(MSBuildFrameworkToolsRoot)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildLoadMicrosoftTargetsReadOnly -> '$(MSBuildLoadMicrosoftTargetsReadOnly)'" />
<!-- The maximum number of concurrent processes that are used when building.
This is the value that you specified for /maxcpucount on the command line.
If you specified /maxcpucount without specifying a value, then MSBuildNodeCount
specifies the number of processors in the computer. -->
<Message Text="MSBuildNodeCount -> '$(MSBuildNodeCount)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildProgramFiles32 -> '$(MSBuildProgramFiles32)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildProjectDirectory -> '$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildProjectDirectoryNoRoot -> '$(MSBuildProjectDirectoryNoRoot)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildProjectExtension -> '$(MSBuildProjectExtension)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildProjectFile -> '$(MSBuildProjectFile)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildProjectFullPath -> '$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildProjectName -> '$(MSBuildProjectName)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildRuntimeType -> '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildRuntimeVersion -> '$(MSBuildRuntimeVersion)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildSDKsPath -> '$(MSBuildSDKsPath)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildStartupDirectory -> '$(MSBuildStartupDirectory)' " />
<!-- Gets the current file. -->
<Message Text="MSBuildThisFile -> '$(MSBuildThisFile)' " />
<!-- Gets the current file directory. -->
<Message Text="MSBuildThisFileDirectory -> '$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildThisFileDirectoryNoRoot -> '$(MSBuildThisFileDirectoryNoRoot)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildThisFileExtension -> '$(MSBuildThisFileExtension)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildThisFileFullPath -> '$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildThisFileName -> '$(MSBuildThisFileName)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildToolsPath -> '$(MSBuildToolsPath)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildToolsPath32 -> '$(MSBuildToolsPath32)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildToolsPath64 -> '$(MSBuildToolsPath64)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildToolsRoot -> '$(MSBuildToolsRoot)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildToolsVersion -> '$(MSBuildToolsVersion)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildUserExtensionsPath -> '$(MSBuildUserExtensionsPath)' " />
<Message Text="MSBuildVersion -> '$(MSBuildVersion)' " />
<!-- Condition tests. -->
<Target Name="Conditions">
<!-- String equality -->
<Message Condition="yellow == 'yellow'" Text="Quotes not required for one word. -> yellow == 'yellow" />
<Message Condition="YELLOW == yellow" Text="Case is insensitive. -> YELLOW == yellow" />
<Message Condition="red != blue" Text="Not equals works too. -> red != blue" />
<!-- String unary operators -->
<Message Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)')" Text="Checks if the file or folder exists. -> Exists('$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)')" />
<Message Condition="HasTrailingSlash('test\')" Text="Checks for a trailing slash /. -> HasTrailingSlash('test\')" />
<!-- Logical operators -->
<message Condition="true AND true" Text="AND operator -> true AND true" />
<message Condition="true OR false" Text="OR operator -> true OR false" />
<message Condition="!false" Text="NOT operator -> !false" />
<message Condition="(true AND false) OR true" Text="Grouping works -> (true AND false) OR true" />
<!-- Property Functions (You can nest them)-->
<Target Name="PrintPropertyFunctions">
<!-- There are lots of these. Most of them are just totally regular .net classes. Thanks MSDN-->
<Message Text="The syntax to get a property is [Class]::Property. For example $([System.Int32]::MaxValue)" />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.Byte " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.Char " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.Convert " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.DateTime " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.Decimal " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.Double " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.Enum " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.Guid " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.Int16 " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.Int32 " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.Int64 " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.IO.Path " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.Math " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.UInt16 " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.UInt32 " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.UInt64 " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.SByte " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.Single " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.String " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.StringComparer " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.TimeSpan " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex " />
<Message Text="Any method or property from -> Microsoft.Build.Utilities.ToolLocationHelper " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.Environment::CommandLine " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.Environment::ExpandEnvironmentVariables " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.Environment::GetEnvironmentVariable " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.Environment::GetEnvironmentVariables " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.Environment::GetFolderPath " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.Environment::GetLogicalDrives " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.IO.Directory::GetDirectories " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.IO.Directory::GetFiles " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.IO.Directory::GetLastAccessTime " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.IO.Directory::GetLastWriteTime " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.IO.Directory::GetParent " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.IO.File::Exists " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.IO.File::GetCreationTime " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.IO.File::GetAttributes " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.IO.File::GetLastAccessTime " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.IO.File::GetLastWriteTime " />
<Message Text="These methods work too -> System.IO.File::ReadAllText " />
<!-- Combining Paths
This can be a little annoying, because you're never really sure if a variable includes the final backslash.
To Get around this issue, you can use the regular Path.combine -->
<Message Text="System.IO.Path::Combine -> $([System.IO.Path]::Combine('C:\This\Is\How\', 'You\Combine\Paths', 'to\a\file.txt'))" />
<!-- Special MSBuild operators -->
<Message Text="Add two values(double/int/long) -> [MSBuild]::Add(1.5, 2.5) = $([MSBuild]::Add(1.5, 2.5))" />
<Message Text="Subtract two values(double/int/long) -> [MSBuild]::Subtract(7, 9) = $([MSBuild]::Subtract(7, 9))" />
<Message Text="Multiply two values(double/int/long) -> [MSBuild]::Multiply(5, 4) = $([MSBuild]::Multiply(5, 4))" />
<Message Text="Divide two values(double/int/long) -> [MSBuild]::Divide(8, 2) = $([MSBuild]::Divide(8, 2))" />
<Message Text="Modulo two values(double/int/long) -> [MSBuild]::Modulo(42, 5) = $([MSBuild]::Modulo(42, 5))" />
<!-- Haven't exactly figured out where to use these escape functions yet.. -->
<Message Text="Escape a string -> [MSBuild]::Escape(' a% b$ c@ d; e? f* ') = $([MSBuild]::Escape(' a% b$ c@ d; e? f* '))" />
<Message Text="Unescape a string -> [MSBuild]::Unescape('%25 %24 %40 %27 %3B %3F %2A') = $([MSBuild]::Unescape('%25 %24 %40 %27 %3B %3F %2A'))" />
<!-- Bitwise operations are supported -->
<Message Text="Bitwise Or -> [MSBuild]::BitwiseOr(1, 2) = $([MSBuild]::BitwiseOr(1, 2))" />
<Message Text="Bitwise And -> [MSBuild]::BitwiseAnd(3, 1) = $([MSBuild]::BitwiseAnd(3, 1))" />
<Message Text="Bitwise Xor -> [MSBuild]::BitwiseXor(1, 1) = $([MSBuild]::BitwiseXor(1, 1))" />
<Message Text="Bitwise Not -> [MSBuild]::BitwiseNot(0) = $([MSBuild]::BitwiseNot(0))" />
<!-- Nested example -->
<Message Text="Nested example -> [MSBuild]::Subtract([MSBuild]::Add(10, 5), 7) = $([MSBuild]::Subtract([MSBuild]::Add(10, 5), 7)" />
<!-- Test directory-->
<!-- Test directory-->
<TestDirectory>$([System.IO.Path]::Combine('$(TMP)', 'bftestfiles\'))</TestDirectory>
<!-- Create a directory -->
<Target Name="CreateTestDirectory">
<MakeDir Directories="$(TestDirectory)" />
<!-- Delete a directory, along with all files inside -->
<Target Name="DeleteTestDirectory" AfterTargets="PrintOutBatching">
<RemoveDir Directories="$(TestDirectory)" />
<!-- Write to a text file. Use `WriteOnlyWhenDifferent=true` to avoid causing rebuilds if the file goes into the project -->
<Target Name="CreateTestFiles" DependsOnTargets="CreateTestDirectory">
<WriteLinesToFile File="$([System.IO.Path]::Combine('$(TestDirectory)', '1-test.txt'))" Overwrite="True" Lines="Test 1" />
<WriteLinesToFile File="$([System.IO.Path]::Combine('$(TestDirectory)', '2-test.txt'))" Lines="Test 2" WriteOnlyWhenDifferent="true" />
<!-- Perform an action for each item in a list -->
<Target Name="PrintOutBatching" DependsOnTargets="CreateTestFiles">
<!-- An item group which finds the .txt files we created in the test folder.
A dynamic item group like this one, is evalued when the task is run.
An item group declared directly under the project is evaluated when the project is loaded.
Any files which are created during the build would only show up in a dynamic item group. -->
<WindowsDll Include="$(TMP)\**\*test.txt"></WindowsDll>
<!-- Each one of these is executed for each unique value found. Because of the '%' sign.
Notice that identical values like RootDir are only printed once.-->
<Message Text="Full path -> FullPath = %(WindowsDll.FullPath)" />
<Message Text="Root dir -> RootDir = %(WindowsDll.RootDir)" />
<Message Text="The file name -> Filename = %(WindowsDll.Filename)" />
<Message Text="The extension -> Extension = %(WindowsDll.Extension)" />
<Message Text="The relative directory (include path)-> RelativeDir = %(WindowsDll.RelativeDir)" />
<Message Text="The full file directory -> Directory = %(WindowsDll.Directory)" />
<Message Text="Recursive directory (only if \**\) -> RecursiveDir = %(WindowsDll.RecursiveDir)" />
<Message Text="Identity (Path from include) -> Identity = %(WindowsDll.Identity)" />
<Message Text="The modified time -> ModifiedTime = %(WindowsDll.ModifiedTime)" />
<Message Text="The created time -> CreatedTime = %(WindowsDll.CreatedTime)" />
<Message Text="The accessed time -> AccessedTime = %(WindowsDll.AccessedTime)" />
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0liver commented Mar 15, 2022

Thanks you sooo much for this! The PrintMSBuildVariables target really helped me a lot.

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This is extremely helpful Morten, thank you!

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@prlcutting Hah I forgot I made this! I could have used this quite a lot lately :-)

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