sVim is a Safari extension with shortcuts similar to Vim
Link Hints styles sVimcss
- Install from Safari Extensions gallery
- Download from GitHub repo
Map shortcuts similar to Surfingkeys
"" _ | |
" ___/\ /(_)_ __ ___ _ __ ___ | |
" / __\ \ / / | '_ ` _ \| '__/ __| | |
" \__ \\ V /| | | | | | | | | (__ | |
" |___/ \_/ |_|_| |_| |_|_| \___| | |
" | |
" @author : Artem Medvedev | |
" @link : | |
" @description : Safari extension with shortcuts similar to Vim | |
" | |
" Settings ------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ | |
set nopreventdefaultesc | |
let fullpagescrollpercent = 100 | |
let lastactivetablimit = 50; | |
let lastclosedtablimit = 50; | |
let scrollduration = 25 | |
let scrollstep = 65 | |
let zoomstep = 15 | |
let hintcharacters = "asdqwezxc" | |
let mapleader = "," | |
let blacklists = ["*://*.com/watch*", "*://*", "*://*"] | |
"}}} | |
" Shortcuts -----------------------------------------------------------------{{{ | |
" | |
" unmap defaults | |
" | |
unmap "i" | |
unmap "shift+," | |
unmap "shift+." | |
unmap "shift+h" | |
unmap "shift+l" | |
unmap "shift+f" | |
unmap "ctrl+shift+f" | |
" | |
" movement | |
" | |
map "ctrl+e" scrollFullPageUp | |
map "ctrl+d" scrollFullPageDown | |
" | |
" tab navigation | |
" | |
map "shift+s" goBack | |
map "shift+d" goForward | |
map "shift+e" previousTab | |
map "shift+r" nextTab | |
map "[" previousTab | |
map "]" nextTab | |
map "shift+. shift+." moveTabRight | |
map "shift+, shift+," moveTabLeft | |
map "shift+h" closeTabLeft | |
map "shift+l" closeTabRight | |
" | |
" link hints | |
" | |
map "shift+f" createForegroundHint | |
map "ctrl+f" createTabbedHint | |
" | |
" modes | |
" | |
map "i" goToInput | |
map "ctrl+i" insertMode | |
" | |
" misc | |
" | |
map "s e" showsVimrc | |
map "s ?" help | |
"}}} |
sVim is a Safari extension with shortcuts similar to Vim
Link Hints styles sVimcss
Map shortcuts similar to Surfingkeys